You Are A Drug With Side Effects

You are a drug with side effects

There are those who when they pass through our lives leave a mark that is difficult to erase. They are people who, like a drug, hook and make you experience extraordinary sensations. From the outside, oblivious to its effect, they alter our chemistry, uncontrolled the entire organism, like a drug does.

In feelings, as in addictions, pleasure is often linked to side effects. The head is lost in the fantasy of the detail while the body tries to find a firm base to hold on while struggling not to fall.

The mouth is silent and it gives itself arguments to convince itself that everything continues as before. The body dresses in the disguise of normality, trying to hide the internal whirlwind that the gaze is unable to hide.

The hangover of excitement

Only by appearing are they capable of landing a wave capable of altering a calm sea. But the swell is associated with a hangover that fades little by little until it becomes part of that calm stream of water again.

Woman with boat on her back letting time go by

Every action carries its opposite action. Intense and complex emotions affect the mind and body, upsetting its balance and forcing movements whose sole purpose is to re-stabilize what feelings have unbalanced.

After the disorder of the impact, it is necessary to make an effort to replace everything that was disordered. There are earthquakes that can shake the best-built buildings. But despite the tremors, they endure, like those skyscrapers in which the top sways while the base remains firm.

I lost my reason to find her again

I leaned over the cliff with the intention of looking and not falling. He was tied to reason and at once and without warning he escaped through the window. He left without asking and left me looking at the cliff, the empty strap and the window that still remained open.

Woman with wolf mask

I looked back at the cliff and, although it continued to make me dizzy, I was aware that my feet continued to touch the ground. I closed the window so that what was still left would not escape and when I opened the door to leave  I found reason, coming back very scared. 

And looking into my eyes, reason asked me: “Do you want me to stay or do you want me to go?” I answered her pretending that I knew the answer while she listened to me pretending that my opinion really mattered to her.

You are the chaos within my order

You are a drug with side effects. You are the substance that revolutionizes me, shakes me and leaves me shaking for days. That blow that stuns me and clouds my judgment, leaving me at the mercy of feelings that have their own direction.

He who unwittingly sneaks behind the bars of a cage -where he was not invited-, to turn the separate order into chaos. And blessed chaos that for a moment excites you and drives you out of control, reminding you of what you thought you had forgotten.

couple tenderly embraced

However, what seduces you at night and makes you only think about it for a moment, the next day it can disorient you. There is no drug without side effects. Effects that only time and the right hands can make them disappear.

Have you ever met someone who had an effect on you as powerful as a drug? Over time, this effect wears off or, led astray, you crave more and more of that substance. Ideally, everything should return to balance.

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