Women In Love After 40

Women in love after 40

The mind and soul have their own cycles and seasons that go through different states of activity and loneliness, of seeking and finding, of resting, of belonging, and even of disappearing. When a woman matures, the relationships with her are different. Even the relationship she has with herself goes one step further.

Let’s say that around 40 is when a woman feels a need that she cannot stop meeting: to return to herself. This is the emotional point where we learn to greet our memories at the right moment, to dance, and to calm down with them.

It is the moment in which the soul is loved beyond our mistakes and the earthly. From these ages, loving our fellow men reveals a serene heart with burning blood that helps us understand what kind of creatures we are, with our strengths and our weaknesses. Because we all have them both and that is not bad, quite the opposite.

Returning to the house of the soul means becoming aware of everything that has happened in our previous life and resolving those conflicts created in the cycles prior to maturity.

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Mature love

It is not easy to mature in love, but once you do, a great love for yourself is born that is based on dignity and respect. These values, from a certain age and certain experiences, usually articulate the rest of the affections that we nurture our hearts.

A mature woman goes further in her capacity for love when she understands that the true transcendence of the feelings of others is summarized in how she contemplates herself and her changes.

Over time, the female world radiates a purity that is threatened by a corrupt society that causes women to run  for refuge in themselves, not to flee when something gets difficult, but to face it.

Then they find that their true home is nowhere far away in the world, but within them. In some way , mature love is the consequence of a process of individualization that can be very painful.


It may come to us sooner or later, but for all of us it is preceded by a few years of distraction and derailment of our emotional identity. In other words, that not “knowing where you are and what is your place in the world” that we all know.

Whether due to naivety, inattention or ignorance , the maturing process has made us suffer the theft of a skin that enveloped us, which we believed to be ours and to which we clung tightly.

In other words, this theft stands out in each case as the opportunity to recover treasures as unique and personal as the two pillars of emotional liberation: determination and self-love.

As a result, the woman achieves great wisdom that makes her live and love in a different, unique and transcendent way. In some way, she is able to hydrate and rebuild herself, feeling entirely encompassed within herself.

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