Why Do The Best Ideas Come In The Shower?

It has happened to most of us at some time. We go into the shower and as the water falls on us, ideas, dreams and new perspectives also begin to flow that relativize our problems and concerns. What does this place have to stimulate our creativity like this?
Why do the best ideas come in the shower?

Stephen King often points out that the best plots for his books have always come to him in the bathroom. Sometimes in the toilet bowl and sometimes in the shower. The truth is that the best ideas arise in the shower and this is something that many of us have experienced more than once. Archimedes himself, for example, shouted his famous “Eureka” while immersing himself in a bathtub …

What is special about water? Within the spiritual, symbolic and traditional world, it is often said that water is the most creative of the four elements and that dreaming about it involves making contact with the fabric of the most intimate emotions. Is it perhaps a cathartic and ideal mechanism to open the door to the most innovative, flexible and original mind?

The truth is that water by itself is not the exclusive vehicle that facilitates the creation of such original ideas. The key is to offer the brain two good gifts : a moment of rest and disconnection and a pleasant activity with which to produce a good “load” of serotonin, dopamine and endorphins.

A rested mind is a free mind that works much better …

Man representing the question of Why do the best ideas arise in the shower?

Why do the best ideas come in the shower?

There may be someone for whom this resource does not work. Some get the best ideas when they go for a run, cooking, or while riding the subway. Be that as it may, all these activities have something in common with a shower: they are scenarios in which we disconnect from our obligations and also allow the mind to wander.

Creativity arises in moments when stress dissolves and internal calm reigns. That simple and that deep. An example: David Lynch, film director, screenwriter, artist and photographer points out that it is impossible to create when we are wrong.

It is often said that great works arise from tormented minds, however, it is not common. The most creative figures of today point out, for example, the usefulness of meditating and even more so of spending time in solitude.

Now, but why do the best ideas emerge in the shower? It is as if this corner of the house had a singular power to ignite lateral thinking or the floodgates of that sixth sense that, suddenly, there is the solution to our problems. Let’s see why.

Loneliness and connection with oneself

Ron Friedman is a psychologist and expert on behavior change and human motivation. One of his best known books is Best place to work. In this work he reveals to us that many of our work scenarios instead of promoting innovation, veto it. They are places where hyperconnection sometimes depletes mental resources.

People need moments of solitude. Thus, the reason why the best ideas usually come in the bathroom or shower is because we are in a relaxing, solitary setting, free of pressure and prejudice. In this state of absolute relaxation, the brain works much better.

The power of simple and automated tasks

The most innovative ideas do not come by solving fourth degree equations, playing chess, or solving the Big Bang riddle. The most creative reasonings arise in the mind while we carry out simple tasks. After all, the brain does not like wasting energy and even less multitasking.

By doing something basic, relaxing, and automatic, we allow the mind to relax and wander into its own universes. In this way, activities such as taking a shower, washing the dishes or sitting contemplatively under a tree as Newton did when the apple fell on him are, without a doubt, the most suitable strategy.

Why do the best ideas come in the shower? When imagination is free

Sometimes we find ourselves in the position of solving a serious problem. Usually, we devise reasoning one by one, we value them and then accept or discard them. Now, if the best ideas arise in the shower, it is because we not only take off our clothes and relax under the water. We also shed the stress and pressure of having to figure that something out.

In that instant of calm under warm or very hot water, the imagination is more free, playful, rested. Suddenly, a thousand ideas arise at once, the filters fall and the possibilities are endless. Almost without knowing how a thousand ideas come to mind and many of them are valid to face this problem.

Woman showering

Serotonin for the best mental epiphanies

We pointed out at the beginning, suffering, stress and worry are not good channels for creativity. The mind needs balance, calm and well-being.

Thus, a brain that enjoys a moment of relaxation under the shower, does not hesitate to give us good doses of endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. This sensational cocktail of neurochemicals ignites lateral thinking and that epiphany in which the most innovative ideas shine.

To conclude, let’s not hesitate to give ourselves good moments of well-being and connection for ourselves. Because a large part of the dreams that come to us under the shower, far from going down the drain, change our lives.

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