Where Does The Fear Of Our Own Fear Come From?

Where does the fear of our own fear come from?

Feeling fear in situations that pose a threat to our survival is natural and beneficial. Thanks to fear we survive, since it works as an alarm that indicates and warns us of what can be really dangerous.

As the ultimate goal of every human being is to survive, it is necessary that a whole series of physiological mechanisms are put in place aimed at maintaining our security.

These symptoms are, almost always, very uncomfortable and sometimes they even come to be interpreted as unbearable by the person who feels them. Therefore, countless behaviors will be carried out with the sole objective of getting rid of annoying tremors, sweats, annoying tachycardia, rapid breathing, etc.

Now what happens is that we flee from our own fear, from the bodily manifestations that occur in our body. It is like being scared of the shadow itself, that no matter how much we want to escape from it, the more it persecutes us.

The same thing happens with fear. The more we try to get rid of it because of how irritating it can be, the more it takes hold of our self.

What thoughts provoke my fear?

Stop running from fear is not easy because people tolerate discomfort very badly and much more if they have to do with our emotions. But there is the key, in tolerance.

But in order to achieve that desired tolerance, first it is necessary to review why we are afraid of our own fear. Some of the thoughts or beliefs that usually go through the minds of people with fear of their fear are those that we list below:

We can go crazy

Many people believe squarely that anxiety or the physiological symptoms of fear can drive them to madness and that because of this they are likely to end up in a psychiatric hospital.

Anxious woman's face

Nothing more far from reality. Fear is nothing more than an emotion and from the fact that their expressions are extremely annoying we cannot conclude that this is going to drive us crazy. It is an exaggerated statement, extreme and without logical or realistic basis.

We are going to die

Although we cannot deny that anxiety can affect us physically (hair loss, dizziness, skin problems, etc.), we are not going to die for that. The tachycardia that we can feel in a specific anguish crisis will not end in a heart attack or anything like that, although it is true that it can be similar and therefore scare us a lot, which will only increase those sensations.

We can make a fool of ourselves

It is possible that when we are anxious we behave strangely. We can stutter, shake, snort and in the worst case lose consciousness, but we do not have to think that we are making a fool of ourselves.

What does it mean to make a fool of ourselves? Is it that someone else looks at us suspiciously for not following a rule? Don’t we have the right to feel bad from time to time?

We have to give ourselves permission to express our emotions without fear of what they will say, since comments, criticism and gossip will always exist, whatever we do because human beings love to talk about other human beings.

We can screw each other

This is also false since no one is responsible for anyone’s emotions, we are only responsible for our own. For this reason it is impossible for us to annoy anyone with our symptoms of nervousness or restlessness. If they are disturbed for this reason, the problem is solely theirs and not ours and they may well put means not to feel uncomfortable.

As with the opinions of others, you have to feel free to express yourself as you please when you need it and not give too much importance to what others think.

Woman running in fear

Keys to get rid of fear of fear

Some keys that you must learn if you want to free yourself from the fear that you have of those expressions of fear are the following:

  • : You are not going to go crazy, you are not going to die, and nothing serious will happen. They are not unbearable or harmful, but just annoying. The more you tell yourself otherwise, the more scared you will be and the more the symptoms will increase.
  • : breathing, tension-distension, art therapy or any other strategy, can serve to calm the primary symptoms and lower your fear.
  • go about your normal life, without fearing the fact that you may have a panic attack or a momentary crisis. What others may think is only the problem of others and will affect you only if you decide so. The most important thing is always not to avoid exposing yourself to your own fear since avoidance serves you in the short term as a relief, which means a reinforcement or reward, but in the long term it will keep your fears and they will grow more and more.

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