What Is Your Temperament?

What is your temperament?

Temperament. The single word already transmits us an outburst of strength, and genius, a glimpse where many personal dimensions come together that define a large part of our reactions. It is a complex dimension that is part of our personality, formed in turn by another step, such as character. But … How would we explain in broad strokes what is the true meaning of the word “temperament”?

For Millon (1993), it consists of nothing more and nothing less than a received biological inheritance and, therefore, very difficult to change, it is like a kind of biological and biochemical material from which it emerges like a kind of powerful iceberg.

While character is shaped day after day and experience after experience, and is related in turn to the values ​​received and the society in which we are educated, temperament, has deeper roots. More personal … we could say that we were born with it.

It is true that sometimes we try to control it, or even empower it to develop other virtues, such as patience, decision or reflection.

But it is as if we all started from our own starting point that defines us as soon as we are born. Something too complex that has caused great controversy among experts. But it is always interesting to delve into the subject, and why not go to its original sources, to that classification of temperaments that Hippocrates already established in Ancient Greece. Would you like to know the 4 famous temperaments of the famous doctor? +

1. Blood Temperament

The sanguine have an overflowing vital force. They are fast, cheerful, lively and outgoing. They love to socialize and avoid loneliness, they don’t know how to deal with it and they fear it. They tend to appear quite confident in themselves, but sometimes it is nothing more than a shell under which to hide a certain fragility … fear of being alone, of being abandoned, of making wrong decisions. And, the sanguine ones tend to be little thoughtful, and somewhat disorganized. They appreciate the present moment with all its intensity without worrying too much about tomorrow …

This description may be somewhat categorical, but in general temperaments are never completely unique, that is, people usually combine two dimensions (choleric and phlegmatic, sanguine and choleric…). We must take it into account.

2. Choleric temperament

The person with a choleric temperament is quick and active like a sanguine person. Very social too. But his extroversion is not so marked or so exaggerated. It tends to point a little more towards independence and self-confidence. They are active people committed to their ideals, they like to get involved in projects and causes that they judge as important. They are very persevering personalities who do not give in to any obstacle, they like to surround themselves with people but are not afraid of loneliness, or their thoughts …

They are very instrumental and somewhat materialistic, they like things that are useful for day to day, and for humanity, hence they do not appreciate too much the more abstract things such as art, music … Their sensitivity is practical. Logic. Also note that the angry person can be very decisive and even hostile, sometimes cruel and sarcastic.

3. Melancholic temperament

The melancholic has a high sensitivity. Somewhat introverted, sometimes even fragile, but it is said that it is the most interesting temperament of all since it is richer in nuances, emotions, sensibilities … Nobody enjoys art as much as melancholic and even more, few temperaments are so extremely perfectionists like him.

He is analytical, he dedicates himself to personal sacrifices, although that yes, sometimes he is something critical with himself and with others. He usually makes friends, but he is one of those who prefers others to approach them earlier than vice versa.

One of the weaknesses of the melancholic is that it is usually very depressive. His egocentricity sometimes makes him want to compare himself with others, thus showing a certain resentment. He is very rigid and uncompromising.

4. Phlegmatic temperament

The phlegmatic is a serene and balanced person. She is calm, never loses her composure and never gets angry. He lacks leadership skills, although on certain occasions he can be. He is a sensitive and emotional person, but he does not show it too much, he prefers to hide many of his sensitivities and emotions.
He has a very good heart and is compassionate, although as we have said before, he is not one of the profiles that usually express his feelings especially. But yes, it tends to evoke trust in others due to its kindness and simplicity.

They are somewhat stubborn and firm people in their beliefs, although they often lack drive and initiative because they prefer the comfort of day to day, and above all, calm.

Now tell us, with what temperament do you see yourself most identified? Influence once again, that the most common is that we show two dimensions instead of just one exclusively. Although obviously, it can also happen. An interesting subject, without a doubt.

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