What I Would Like People To Understand About Sadness

What I would like people to understand about sadness

What I would like you to understand about sadness is that I have the right to feel it, to live it, and to embrace it without you labeling me weak. My world will be rebuilt again piece by piece after I have faced its nuances and understood my demons.

To be sad is not to be sick, or to have a depression, or to have allowed ourselves to overcome like souls defeated by the inclemency of life. Sadness is an emotion, a specific state of mind where the world is immobilized in order to understand each other a little more. To delve into our voids.

Although it is true that maintaining an emotional state with a negative component such as sadness for a prolonged period, there is the possibility that we lead to helplessness, and depression, it is not something that always happens.

I want you to know something about sadness and it is that it comes and goes, and even more, sometimes, even if we try to find an origin, there are sadnesses that have no explanation : they just appear. They are depressed moods that disappear shortly, when the rumor of life reaches us again, with its illusions, with its clear days and laughter that also have no explanation.

It is therefore necessary to delve a little deeper into this common emotion that we should not be afraid of. And even more, never cross it as a synonym for personal weakness.

Good morning sadness, today I remembered you

Girl on zebra crossing with yellow trees


We open our eyes in the morning, and, without knowing how, there is that implacable sensation that takes our breath away and that lets all the memories of yesterday fall on our memory. Sadness dresses us in its cold cloak and we are paralyzed.

I want you to be clear about sadness and that is that it is part of our life, and we can say without mistake that it is one of the most common emotions as well as less understood. Nobody dares to say out loud “I am sad”, we always prefer to use dissimulation, the mask …

And even more, sometimes, if we dare to communicate to someone that we feel this way, the most common thing is that they answer us a “Well, rejoice, life is two days in total, smile!”. It is not the right thing to do. Sadness must be understood, and is seldom resolved by drawing a smile on the face. Although in fact, it is what we always do. Let us now look at those essential aspects that would be worthwhile for everyone to understand.

Sadness is a state of mind with many shades

We understand the basics about sadness, which is a negative emotion or, at least, we perceive it that way. Now, although most of the time it is associated with something drastic, such as a break, a loss, a failure or a disappointment, there is not always a “negative” origin as such. 

  • Sometimes sadness is a simple decay, apathy, a need to be with us alone, with our thoughts.
  • Being sad is not related to being afraid, to wanting to run away from something. Now, sometimes there are those who tend to mix anger with sadness (they abandon me and I react with anger, but later, I will assume reality by going through a time with my sadness, with emotional pain in this case).
Open heart representing the sadness that goes away


Now that you know something more about sadness, I hope you can understand it much better. Well, understanding your emotions will allow you to manage them better, which will help you much more than you think in your day to day.

Images courtesy of Anna Dittman and Amanda Cash


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