Tips For Raising A Child In Happiness

Tips for raising a child in happiness

Raising a child in happiness is the most important task you will face as a parent. You want to give him a good training and values, but the most basic thing is to paint a smile on his face every day of his life.

Because  if when educating a child, you do not think about their happiness, nothing else will be worth it. The best way for children to want to learn and internalize values ​​is through a full existence, in which they feel protected and enjoy the joy of life every day.

Next, I would like to give you a series of tips that can be very useful to educate a child in happiness. A complex but truly inspiring task that will fill your soul and heart with satisfaction and pride.

Never dump your frustrations on him

If you want to educate a child in happiness, make sure that you never, under any circumstances, pour your frustrations on him, because his heart will not be able to understand why so much is demanded of him.

Maybe your childhood dream was to be the best footballer or the first in the class, but have you asked your child if that is what he wants? They are very similar to you, because you must not forget that they carry your genes, but they are different people, with their own desires and needs.

Get good communication

When it comes to raising a child in happiness, it is absolutely necessary that you have good communication with him. To do this, there are a number of aspects that you must take into account.

For example, it is logical that sometimes frustration arises, both in children and in parents, since the child has not fully developed their communication skills and abilities. However, you must not despair.

Father playing with his son

When you try to communicate with your child, or observe any strange or conspicuous behavior, think of yourself. But think of you when you were a child. Do a job of introspection and going back to the past. What did you feel? What motivated you? What made you happy? You will probably find a lot of yourself in him, and this will help you understand him better.

Use empathy

Linking with the previous point, when educating a child in happiness, empathy is a tool of great value, as it will allow you to understand your little one much better.

The introspective exercise of looking for the desires and needs of oneself as a child, helps enormously to understand and empathize with children.

What games did you like? What foods were your favorites? How did you like your parents to treat you? How did you react to news? Answering all these questions and many more will help you enter the world of children and be able to establish happy relationships with them.

Give them all your love

When educating a child in happiness, it is important that you give them all your love. In this section, you should not leave anything in the pipeline. Give yourself thoroughly.

However, we must never confuse giving affection with giving everything the child wants. Little ones need routines and limits. They have to know what is good and what is not, in order to internalize values ​​and feel safe, thus shaping their personality.

However, a child who receives everything he wants, whether material or sentimental, runs a real risk of being a future tyrant, unable to understand himself, frustrated and with serious problems of autonomy and relationship with the environment.

Parents asleep with their children on the couch

Spend time

Raising a child in happiness takes a lot of time and patience. In the beginning, his closest family is his whole world, the place where he feels safe, so you have to be there always.

As the little one advances, you will have to play with him, enjoy his learnings, give him protection and affection, and give yourself to him completely. Your time and patience are of great value to them, because you are the mirror in which they look at themselves, and with whom they really want to be.

However, this point should not be seen as an obligation. Raising a child in happiness will also fill you, it will make you fuller, and it will come out of you naturally, the fact of wanting to always be by his side. Never forget it.

Images courtesy of Pascal Campion

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