This Short Will Give You A Lesson About Love And Luck

This short will teach you a lesson about love and luck

In matters of love, it is still a mystery what it is that moves us to feel attraction towards some people and not towards others. The choice of our travel companions seems to be an unknown in the sentimental universe  that surrounds us.

And although we do not know what is hidden behind the first looks, the irrepressible desire to want to spend more time with the other person or simply, the initial attraction, the truth is that those first moments are usually wonderful. This is the mystery of love, so surprising and so magical that not even those of us who experience it can sometimes explain it.

In today’s article we bring you a short time to think about Com or love can turn our world in seconds.  Jinxy Jenkins and Lucky Lou is a metaphor about the construction of love and luck, which we cannot let go unnoticed.

When I found you my luck started to change

Jenkins is an unfortunate young man wrapped in an atmosphere of bad luck. Lou however has enviable luck and everything around him is favorable. Suddenly, one day they meet and everything seems to change. Let’s see what happens:

As we have seen, Jenkins and Lou are two different people, two universes that accidentally or perhaps not so much, find themselves causing an unexpected change in their lives. This is what happens to us in real life.  Each of us has a particular way of seeing the world due to previous experiences and sometimes, they can generate difficulties.

In this meeting, we show each other, we exchange visions, opinions, feelings and gestures. We begin to take the first steps of the dance of our relationship, which if they are rhythmic allow us to continue our dance. But this dance is impregnated with the style of each one, which will tend to be modified in some situations if necessary.

And the combination of our universes, our styles and our steps is the basis from which the future of our relationship will germinate.

Together we transform in order to build ourselves

As in the short with Jenkins and Lou, it happens to us in our daily lives, just in different ways. He needs a little more luck and to widen his vision constrained by his circumstances. However, she needs to know that sometimes luck is not on her side.

Sometimes, we find ourselves so anchored in a way of seeing life that we believe that there is no way out, but nevertheless a person appears who is capable of showing us another perspective that we did not even have.

Boy offering an ice cream to girl

Together we transform our universes and support each other when difficulties appear, to grow personally but also together. You learn from me and I from you, observing life from a different prism.

Once we have found each other, it will be impossible to return to our state. Inevitably, through our contacts, a small essence of the other person has been impregnated in our soul.

Love is a mystery and experiencing it is something inexplicable. The reason why we choose some people and not others? totally unknown. As we have seen, an encounter may be the origin of our love affair and the change in the direction of our luck.

The important thing is not if we are equal or not between us, but the magic of love, that feeling that arises after the meeting of two universes that makes us not be the same.

And you, are you willing to transform your universe?

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