There Are People Who Just Want To See The World Burn

There are people who just want to see the world burn

There are people who just want to see the world burn. If you are careless, they are pouring gasoline on you before you know what their intentions are. They are those toxic people who just by opening their mouths make the flames of bad character fan within your being.

They are specialists in putting their finger in the sore so that your wounds become bigger and do more damage than you already feel in everyday life. They are those who enjoy making others small just for the fact of seeing themselves as great in the face of adversity.

Those people who, after all, only know how to be happy if compared to others they are better at everything, and if they are not, they make you believe that they are. But it is in your hands to put the matches that make the world burn when they pour gasoline on it.

They want to make you burn with envy

Nothing you do, say or think will ever be good enough for them compared to what they have said, done or thought. They simply believe that by making you feel inferior they will be better than you. But remember, that only happens if you let it.


To make you burn with envy you have to let their opinion penetrate you, you have to give it value. But only if you choose to trust their words and put your own self-esteem in their hands, anything they say can hurt you.

They know that we all have shortcomings, that we all want to improve or change something about ourselves: neither they nor anyone else is perfect. This is what these people who try to sink us take advantage of, our insecurities are their fuel.

You can decide if you give the matches to those people who are soaking you in the gasoline of their complexes, with the sole purpose of making you burn with envy. Think that you can always avoid being hurt with words if you take away the credibility of the person who says them.

Nothing that is accepted can burn

Your self-esteem must come from you and the vision you have of yourself.  Just as your emotional balance should not be in the hands of others, your self-esteem either. Always remember that the words of others reflect their own shortcomings more than yours.

Defining yourself and accepting yourself does not have to be based on the opinions of others. Never accept destructive criticism from someone who doesn’t bother to build anything. If someone wants you to turn to ashes, they will have to do more than soak in gasoline with their envy, because you are not going to spark and thus you will not be able to burn.

Think that if someone has good intentions with you, they do not spend their lives burying you in criticism and hateful comparisons from which you lose. Who loves you and appreciates you, only criticizes you if there are reasons for it. In addition, to this criticism I would add possible ways to improve, trying to make you stronger and never burn.

man with fire in his arm

Don’t give them matches to increase their power

It is easy to say that you do not have to give them matches to increase their power, but it is very difficult to live with those who want to make you feel small and doubt every step you take. They want you to turn to ashes so that you can disappear with a simple breath of air.

They tell you that you are small, that you are nothing. They are the most handsome, the smartest, the most friendly and hard-working. Given this, you can say yes, that they are the best in everything, but that you do not need to compare yourself with any of that because with what you have you are happy.

It may even be that by realistically making the comparison they come out winning. What’s more, surely you don’t have everything, surely there are better people in everything because everything can be improved, but being comfortable with yourself is one of the best sensations that exist and therefore you should not let anyone steal it from you.

If they haven’t learned to love themselves, don’t let that stop you from loving yourself, because everything they do, they do, precisely, because they are the ones who burn with envy. And before this, you can only wish them to love each other just as you do with you. And above all, wish them to learn that the best feeling is not to see the world burn but to love oneself and the world as it is.

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