The Time Has Come To Take Your Life Back

The time has come to take your life back

It is time to resume your life, because surely you have already noticed, with the passage of time and maturity, that we live in a society where we are pushed to perceive our own mistakes as only negative “something” , lacking practicality, meaning and learning positive. All this, in addition to lacking a healthy motivating sense, pushes us to feel greater guilt every time we make mistakes in our day to day life.

If you still do not believe that ” this ” implies an inaccurate life lesson, if we want to feel human and healthy vulnerable, allow me to continue favorably in our favor as sensitive and extraordinary people that we are.

Woman covering her eyes

Taking your life back starts with learning from your mistakes

Your personal mistakes and those characteristics of your self that do not make you agree with yourself are the steps that allow you to change your life. Why?  These are part of small tracks whose overcoming and achievement allow us to move forward and thus rebuild our lives. Or what is the same: change it to make it unique, as you very well deserve .

The prize that you will also get for it? The gift of knowing how to face in a positive way any obstacle that stands in your way. It is very worth taking your life back.

Before implies what you were before : how you were before making the mistakes that today condition and torment you. And e l then includes the person who lives inside you and every day feels guilty for having previously failed with those mistakes. And because of this, consequently blocked and with practically no illusion to live.

If you take a few minutes to reflect on the person you were before taking the wrong actions, you will allow yourself to question what things limited you at the time and discover what gave rise to the barriers that you may feel in the present. Those walls that do not make you advance, progress and give the best of yourself.

While you value the story of your life, you will notice a precious detail: your own heart fervently begs to take back your life, your personal existence. It sends you the message that the time has come to return to the person you were and are: a dreamer, without barriers or limits. Return to your bright self, a creative person of the most beautiful in life. What your soul asks of you …

Girlfriends hugging

Nothing happens because you are wrong. It doesn’t matter that you make mistakes or mistakes. Don’t be confused either. Always remember that in this life everything negative has an immense positive side, a learning much stronger than the consequence of said mistakes.

Need to dare to improve yourself

Being aware that we have failed and overcoming that bitter side that this implies hurts, but it makes you much stronger. But  what for?  In order to be aware of your own limits as a human being. Realize that you are one with the world, because you are not alone and you need to share, listen and empathize with those who accompany you.

Because only with this experience can you try the opposite side of the light so that, when you overcome it, you will be blinded by its immense brightness and color. Because you need to prove yourself, dare to overcome yourself in misfortune. Understanding that learning from the sour side that involves making mistakes, and making it yours, is part of your experience. Share that goodness with those you love the most.

It supposes an immutable energy that only wants the best of you, even in the worst moments. Understanding this allows you to make peace with her and gain the power to transform whatever you believe in into the most wonderful.

The power to find yourself in a place where you do not allow yourself to be hurt and where decisions, your own decisions, come from the heart. Without personal judgments or conflicting emotions. It is wonderful to take your life back, it is very valuable.

Man with open arms to the world

The time has come for you to dare to take up your life from the depths and interior of you for all this. From the best wish: to be yourself and feel full and at peace with the person you are and will always be.  If you really feel that same with unconditional love without fear, remember when you do that everything happens for a reason. Everything is worth it. You are immensely worth it.

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