The Secret To Good Communication As A Couple

The secret to good communication as a couple

what is said and how it is said.

What are the most common mistakes in couple communication?

Most of the mistakes that are usually made in couple communication have to do with not knowing how to express themselves properly,

  • Impose our criteria
  • Express defects and complaints of the partner frequently
  • Wanting the other person to be as we want.
  • Show little interest in your partner’s views or beliefs.
  • Not allowing our partner to express himself.
  • Taking for granted what the other is going to say and constantly interrupt you.
  • Manipulate the other to achieve what we want.
  • Give the reason even if we do not agree

The result of erroneous communication patterns of the couple can weaken the relationship,

Girl talking to her partner

Assertiveness as a key for couple communication

To communicate properly with your partner, it is important to be assertive.

Practicing assertiveness will help us express our needs in the relationship as a couple,

Couple in love smiling

How could you be more assertive?

1. Express your appreciation for their qualities

Expressing verbally or otherwise what we appreciate about our partner is good for both of us,

2. Accept displays of affection and compliments

Accept displays of affection and compliments naturally,

Knowing how to accept compliments is an important point since if we despise them we can condition our partner and that as a result, they will not do them again in the future.

Couple walking hand in hand

3. Be able to say “no”

You are within your right to reject requests without feeling guilty or selfish.

4. Explain what you think or how you feel

There is no better way for your partner to understand you than by showing your emotions

If we want you to know what happens to us, it is best to say it without waiting for the other person to infer it

Couple talking

5. Beware of accusations

It is very easy to get carried away by anger and blame our partner for how bad we feel.

  • Ask questions instead of accusations.
  • For instance:. Instead of:
  • For example it is better to say: . To say:

6. Use assertive terms in our conversation

There are multiple expressions and assertive forms that we can use in our conversations

maintaining assertive communication with your partner does not guarantee the absence of arguments and problems

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