The Secret Life Of Words

The secret Life of the words

The director Isabel Coixet takes us with this magnificent film to a heavenly paradise. The secret life of words  takes place on an oil rig where pain, guilt, anger, lack and forgetfulness coexist … The wounds that we all possess at some point, with a most beautiful love story.

It is a film starring Tim Robbins, an actor who has worked in unforgettable feature films such as Cadena Perpetua , Mystic River or Arlington Road ). Joining him in the cast, Sara Polley ( Guniever, Splice, Trigger ). Javier Cámara, Julie Christie or Daniel Mays, among others, complete the cast of the film. 

The plot of The Secret Life of Words

The film focuses on the experiences of Hanna, a lonely young woman with hearing loss. A model worker in a textile factory, however, she is forced to take a month of vacation due to union complaints.

Not knowing what to do, one day he overhears a conversation in a restaurant. A man wonders where he will get a nurse from in a short time and for only two weeks. Hanna volunteers as a caretaker and thus ends up on an offshore oil rig.

Scene from The Secret Life of Words

His job is to take care of a man who has suffered serious injuries in an explosion  and who, for the moment, cannot be transferred to a hospital. A man who has also lost his vision. On the platform, paralyzed after the accident, there are only 5 people left, establishing a very special bond between them, especially with Joseph, the wounded man, who will end up telling a terrible secret.

Over time each of them takes up their lives, but the impression that the young woman left on the protagonist of the story is so deep that, once recovered, he travels to find Hanna and ask her to share her life with him.

A movie of deep feelings

The secret life of words is one of those films that leaves its mark. A fragile nurse dependent on her loneliness caressing a deep and sensitive wounded man who is trapped by darkness and the impossibility of finding an illusion.

Isabel Coixet, directs this film with her heart and soul, manages to dislodge viewers scene after scene, without knowing when our emotions will break until the end is reached.

Coixet plays with individual and collective solitudes in such a way that the leading couple occupies an unattainable space, where things that we sometimes fail to say can become magnificent or terrible.

Scene from the secret life of words

The touches of humor are strategically represented, reaching a sentimental warmth that starts smiles. Sarah Polley and Tim Robbins, thus star in a high-altitude film, both are spirits who see without touching, and who without speaking understand each other beyond what is allowed, where other mortals cannot access.

Combining silence and oblivion, the director seduces us doubly with a masterful soundtrack. A film praised by critics and awarded with four Goya awards. It also has the Fotogramas de Plata Award and the Sant Jordi Award for the best Spanish film.

There is no doubt that when watching this film one will not be able to forget how life and the silence that words occupy should be understood. I personally recommend the final scene. An emotional moment that makes us fortunate to be lucky enough to see this magnificent film.

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