The Most Difficult, The First Step

The most difficult, the first step

Sometimes we find ourselves completely dissatisfied with ourselves, in some aspect of life. We know that there is something we must improve on, or that there is a situation that we have wanted to change for a long time, but we notice that time has passed and we still do not do anything about it. At that point, we may be tempted to quit, to get depressed, or to become somewhat cynical: “I’m not going to do it! It is done. It’s my problem!”. When, in fact, we have to take a first step forward.

The solutions that we never finish concrete sometimes refer to small problems of everyday life: organizing the room or better controlling the budget. At other times, they involve highly complex difficulties, such as leaving an unhealthy relationship or leaving a completely frustrating job. Whatever the case, taking the first step will always be the most difficult.

Here we propose a set of key elements so that you can gather the necessary energy you need before taking that gigantic first step.

Start the day with balance

Normally you wake up and are immediately filled with worries about everything you have to do in the day. If to that you add that you may have the time to start your activities, the result is that your day begins with a cloud of worries. That is why it is advisable to adopt different habits.

Woman waking up

Think that you have a new day of life, in your family, that you have a roof under which you have slept; In short, focus on everything that you generally overlook and that, nevertheless, is a great treasure in your assets. This will allay worries and allow you to start your day off right.

Choose an action you want to perform

Every day should be different from the one before, in some way. To incorporate in you the feeling of growing, nothing better than to propose daily to do something that allows you to feel better.

Choose freely what will make your usual routine different. You can choose, for example, to say something that you have pending; or give a little of your time to another person who you know needs it; Or, perhaps, learn something new: a word, a new route to go somewhere, a new flavor. No matter what it is. The only relevant thing is that you feel comfortable choosing that option and that you believe that this will bring something new to your life.

Become aware of your body

Take another five minutes a day to think about your body. Concentrate on each organ of the body and try to perceive how it is … The stomach, the intestines, the extremities, the heart, the neck, the head …

Try to identify if there is any difficulty in them and think about what may be causing it. Ask yourself if you have had enough sleep and if you are satisfied with what you have eaten. Try to eat and sleep well, you deserve it.

Man with questions in his head

When you are sure that you have already incorporated these three steps into your day to day, you will surely be ready. You have managed to gather a suitable physical and emotional environment to take that first step you want to take. It is important that you know that this will require effort. We tend towards the safety and comfort of routine and when we get out of this we notice a certain resistance.

So even if that first step is the most difficult, remember that it is even more important to take it. Even if it costs, even if you feel resistance, take that first step. We leave you a very wise phrase from Lao-tzu several centuries ago:

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