The Car Accident That Changed Our Lives

Faced with “that won’t happen to me”, “I drive well, it doesn’t have to happen to me”, “nothing happens if I look at my cell phone for a second”, “I control it”, let’s think: what if we are wrong? What is the price of overconfidence? Are we willing to pay it? Are we aware of the damage and pain that we can cause?
The car accident that changed our lives

Every year we spend driving on the road exposes us to being victims of a car accident at some point, that is, it is possible that there is an increase in the probability of suffering an accident on the road the more years of driving license we have. Also, the more time we spend driving, the more we expose ourselves to it.

Although it is true that the number of years of driving license and spending a greater number of hours in the car are two factors that, by probability, expose us to being the victim of a traffic accident, they are not the only ones. Little experience, slow reflexes or lack of patience may be others.

In any case, we want to point out the importance of being aware of the seriousness of reckless driving. This is so because of the damage that we can cause ourselves and because of the damage that we can cause to others.

Woman driving

The car accident that changed our lives

For people who have experienced “the car accident that changed our lives” that day, which is etched into their retinas, marks a before and after in their lives, either by living it first hand or by witnessing the same.

One day you wake up and nothing is the same again. It has happened, you are the victim of a traffic accident . Whether as a driver or a passenger, there is no turning back: your life has changed. You wake up in a hospital without fully knowing what is happening and what will happen from now on, without being able to understand why it has happened to me and why it has happened this way, having to live the consequences to from now on… “.

An accident can turn into a traumatic situation

Being victims of a serious car accident can negatively affect our health and well-being, both physical and psychological. We are no longer talking about the person who suffers from it, but about their closest relatives, who have to assume what is happening.

A grieving process occurs in which we have to say goodbye to the life we ​​had until now, to adapt to a new life with possible limitations.

The processes of change and grief take time and it is possible that we go through different phases, among which are denial and sadness about what is happening. It is likely that at times we do not feel the echo of how some of our dreams have been cracked, the impossibility of resuming some of our customs. It is not surprising that millions of sensations and emotions assail us, as we are experiencing a traumatic situation.

Let us bear in mind that, to overcome the grief and the traumatic situation, it is usual for the person to go through a series of stages to regain a point of balance in which they feel good. At the same time, let’s not forget that each of us has a personal way of living it and we need to go through our individual process.

Woman with sad eyes

At the wheel, 0 distractions

According to the Statistics Service of the National Road Safety Observatory, in 2017 there were 102,333 people involved in traffic accidents, included in that figure: hospitalized injured, deceased injured, pedestrians crossing the street, passengers in other people’s cars that they were at the wheel, injured not hospitalized …

In turn, the DGT affirms that 30% of distractions at the wheel are due to the use of mobile phones. In this sense, it often happens that we feel “that won’t happen to me”, “I drive well, it doesn’t have to happen to me”, “nothing happens if I look at my mobile for a second”, “I control it and to get off look for a moment and pick up my phone, nothing has to happen… ”. In a way, people who think this way may be right, nothing may happen to them and they reach their destination safely.

But what if that second turns into a terrible mistake? What if that second becomes the fateful moment in which the car accident that changed your life or the life of another person that was circulating at that very moment around you occurs ?

Remember that responsible driving is essential at the wheel , as this is the only way to reduce the probability of being directly or indirectly victims of a traffic accident.

The road is a place for everyone and therefore requires responsibility by respecting the rules for users who use them. It is the only way not to cause accidents, so that others do not cause them and we get involved.

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