The Body Speaks To Us Through Pain And Illness

The body speaks to us through pain and disease

Being in connection with ourselves is to understand the signals that our body sends us, which speaks to us through pain, illness, and of course, health in general. How we feel physically is a sign of how we feel psychologically most of the time.

In the rhythm of our daily life, this connection is progressively weakening and we stop understanding why things happen to us, without knowing how to regain balance. Little by little we lose the ability to interpret ourselves. For this reason, when pain and disease appear on the scene, it is important to know what they are telling us to discover the path back to health and well-being.

Disease, a path to health

Understanding illness and pain means being  able to interpret them and give them a meaning to understand the origin of this imbalance and regain the connection with ourselves.

Sick woman smiling

Illness is the means by which our body speaks to us and tells us that something is not working well, requesting that something has to change. In fact, it forces us to change the rhythm of our life and prevents us from continuing at the same pace as we were up to that moment, imposing on us a change towards health.

When we fall ill, we can only begin to take care of ourselves. But not only taking care of the physical aspects, but also the emotional, psychological and spiritual.

Loss of balance 

Life in essence is balance, harmony and health. The disease tells us that this balance has been broken and that we will have to restore it, seeking the path of change to try to improve our situation and find, as far as possible, the way to balance ourselves.

If the way of life that we led led us to the disease, a change in this rhythm can be one of the ways to return to the truncated balance. Although unfortunately it is not always possible.

Woman in pain

One of the problems that increases this ignorance of what happens to us is the way of life we ​​lead. Thus, the biggest bill of stress and rush with which we live is the disconnection with our interior because when this happens, we stop meeting the demands coming from the body and our mind, exposing ourselves to the limit and tightening the rope to the maximum … until it breaks in occasions.

Unheeded red flags

Long before illness, our body has already sent us warning signals in the form of symptoms, pain, discomfort or weakness.  However, due to the disconnection with our interior and with our body, we did not know how to give them a voice or meaning, downplaying them.

These signs are very important to avoid reaching the disease or at least to alleviate and treat as much as possible what happens to us and that it does not go further. Not listening to them can mean their deterioration and the first steps towards the imbalance of our health.

Woman with illness having dinner

Any disease is a process  and as such, we know that it has been forming for a long time … A time to which we can gain a few minutes of advantage if at least we pay attention. In this way, we can change our habits or go to the appropriate specialist.

Take care of our body, take care of our life

As we can see, it is important to know how to listen to each symptom or each discomfort that we have because they have a lot to say. Then it is important to know how to interpret them to find a meaning, whether it is us when it is something light or with the help of a specialized professional. And lastly, change what affects the proper functioning of our body as much as possible. 

There are many ailments that have their origin in inappropriate habits that we acquire throughout our lives, such as poor diet, unhealthy sleep or rest habits or inappropriate body postures, sometimes caused by the workplace. Our body also ends up suffering when we live under a lot of stress, addictions or excesses, such as during work hours.

If we try to maintain balance, we will take care of our body, and ultimately, of our life. Because although there are situations that, unfortunately, are beyond our control, there are many others in which we can intervene to live better. Let’s try to have healthy habits and be connected to our personal needs, our health will appreciate it.

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