The Biggest And Most Beautiful Things Grow Slowly And Silently

The greatest and most beautiful things grow slowly and silently

Love is the quick and fleeting spark that lights two hearts. But it is also what happens slowly, in each agreement achieved, in each difficulty gained and in the complicity of the little things that weave entire universes.

The most meaningful things take time, effort, and commitment. We know it, because life, like nature itself, has its cycles and its rhythms. However, for our brain, the perception of time is astonishingly fast. It is as if our own existence “escaped us” through the pipes of confusion.

According to an interesting work published by Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa, a specialist in neurology and gerontology, our perception of time tends to “speed up” as we reach middle age.

The years escape us like smoke escaping through an open window and, somehow, we stop enjoying the present, noticing those things that grow in silence and that, really, could enrich our hearts even more. We invite you to reflect on it.

When time is a speeding train with no stops

Clock in which time does not pass slowly

Sometimes, almost without knowing how, the most important things escape us or pass too quickly : those two extra centimeters in the height of our children, that weekend alone with our partner, the last dinner with our friends or that summer that has ended with the first autumn rains in the blink of an eye …

Often times, it is said that “life is what happens while we make other plans. Although, in reality, we could say rather than sometimes, we fail to value or perceive with the importance that many of those dimensions that surround us at each moment of our life cycle deserve.

There always comes a time when we long for those conversations with our mother while we watched her cook, or those fights with our partner at the beginning of the relationship, or those drawings that our children offered us with enthusiasm when they returned from school. Where is all that now? Has it really been that long?

Making time go slower is at your fingertips

As we have seen, if the reminiscence effect is what makes the present escape us because we focus too much on emotionally intense memories of yesterday, it is worth starting to “cultivate” our here and now of moments of fullness and of positive emotions.

You don’t have to live the life of a 20-something to enjoy the present. It’s just a matter of taking these dimensions into account:

  • Your best age is now, no more, no less. What youth did not know or could not achieve, without a doubt, that wise and balanced maturity capable of prioritizing what is important: yourself.
  • Wonderful things continue to grow around you, things that move slowly and silently. The love of those who surround you, that intimate complicity of someone who knows how to read your eyes or make you smile when you don’t expect it. All this happens at this very moment, you just have to stop and enjoy it.
  • Routine is that sad music that also tricks your brain, making it believe that time passes quickly. Instead, anything out of the ordinary is a stimulus, an emotionally charged incentive that changes your perception of time to “stop” it.

Travel, do something different every day no matter how small, silently look at the people you love and capture that mental image for your heart and brain.

Make every moment have a smell, a sensation, a taste … Stimulate all your senses and embrace the present as if there were no past, as if there were no tomorrow.

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