The 5 Weak Points Of A Narcissist That You Should Know

Although it may not seem like it, every narcissist has weak points. One of them is attention. The moment they are ignored and their words are not taken into account, their imaginary pedestal is of little use to them.
The 5 weak points of a narcissist that you should know

Knowing the weak points of a narcissist can help us defend ourselves. Also to know a little better the psychological anatomy of these common figures in our society. Publio Siro used to say that whoever lives only for himself in the end ceases to exist for others. However, until that time comes, their selfishness and bad practices leave their marks.

It is not easy to detach or distance ourselves from this type of personality. Narcissists inhabit our family and also in any work setting. I wish it were as simple as looking the other way, like thinking that they are not there and thus being able to allow ourselves some peace of mind. However, their presences are always noticed, because that is what they want: attention, power, influence.

Knowing that in these figures there are dimensions that are their Achilles heel can help us. We analyze it.

woman challenging the weak points of a narcissist

What are the weak points of a narcissist?

To begin with, it is important to take into account one detail: there are different types of narcissists. There are people with some nuances, certain traits and associated behaviors and there are those who already evidence, in an obvious way, a clinical condition.

Narcissistic personality disorder is estimated to have a prevalence of 1%, although in recent years, it has been diagnosed more frequently.

Likewise, research works such as those carried out at the University of Warsaw indicate that there are two ways to classify them: there are the great and the vulnerable. Knowing this is also important when dealing with them.

  • The first (great) are more aggressive, therefore you have to be more cautious.
  • The latter (vulnerable narcissists) tend to resort to victimhood and have a much more fragile self-esteem. In this way, although there are different types of this profile, it will be very useful to know those weak points of a narcissist to decide which one to apply to each person.

1. “I don’t believe you.” The power of invalidation

“I do not believe you. Give me proof of that. I don’t think it’s true that you’ve done so many things in life. ” If there is something that a narcissist does not tolerate, accept and fit in, it is that they invalidate it. One of his greatest needs is to dazzle and nourish himself with the admiration of others. In this way, something like showing indifference can always be the right thing to do.

On the other hand, the fact of contradicting them in what they say is also an adequate resource. Although in the latter case, we must be careful with “great narcissists.”

2. “Your behavior doesn’t make sense.” The inability to self-analyze

A very obvious weakness of the narcissist is his inability to self-reflection and self-analysis. They are incapable of looking within to understand themselves, to delve into themselves.

They are usually full of defense mechanisms against accepting their many insecurities. Inviting them to tell us the reason why they do this and that is another way to override them.

3. “You don’t have my support.” The pain of receiving a “no”

Among the weak points of a narcissist is the pain of receiving a “no.” We have already seen that if there is something they need, it is to be the center of attention, to be respected, admired, followed and given power over us.

Using the word “no” whenever possible will not only allow us to set limits. In this way, we can lower them off their pedestal.

4. “I think deep down, you feel very lonely. And I’am sorry for you”. The inability to feel vulnerable

This is a simple and effective strategy for handling a narcissist. The University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) carried out a research work that can help us understand the importance of self-esteem in this personality. Although it is always taken for granted that this profile shows this psychological dimension in an inflated and excessive way, in reality, it could be the opposite.

Among the weak points of a narcissist is his self-esteem. Usually it is quite low. This causes them to develop multiple defenses to build gleaming armor under which to protect themselves. That way, if there’s one thing they don’t tolerate, it’s accepting their vulnerability.

Something as simple as telling them that we feel sorry for them, for how they are and how they push people away from their side, will force them to face their Achilles heel again.

Woman talking about the needs of narcissists

5. Weaknesses of a narcissist: the fear of being alone

This would be not only one of the greatest weaknesses of a narcissist, but also his capital fear: loneliness. A narcissist needs victims to be someone. It is like the predator that moves looking for prey to feed on. Without them, he will die of hunger and loneliness, having no one to serve as sustenance for his ego.

In conclusion. It is necessary to assume that, whether we like it or not, this profile will always subsist in our “social ecosystems”. It is crucial to know how to identify them and set limits to escape their influence. As is also laying down the correct foundations for upbringing and education so that this personality so harmful to others -and also to themselves- does not proliferate.

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