Stress Sore Throat: Causes And What We Can Do

Have you ever been hoarse from stress? Have you suffered a sore throat in those times when you had a greater load of work and worries? We explain why it happens.
Stress Sore Throat: Causes and What We Can Do

Stress sore throat is a type of condition that many of us have experienced at one time or another. Hoarseness, feeling of a lump in the throat, pain when swallowing … We can have many of these discomforts when we go through one of those times when worries are many, infinite pressures and time for calm and little rest.

Sometimes we neglect (or are unaware of) the many ways that stress or anxiety impacts health. We are aware of the emotional and cognitive symptoms, such as anguish, overwhelm, problems making decisions or focusing attention … Now, sometimes, we do not associate that insomnia problem or that stomach pain with these psychological states.

This makes, for example, that we go to primary care in search of this drug to calm coughs, dryness and sore throats. We tell ourselves that it will be a cold or maybe allergy. We overlook that what troubles the mind for days or weeks ends up also adhering to the body and even to the vocal cords.

Let’s know a little more about the characteristics of this theme.

Sore throat from stress: what is it due to and what can we do?

Man suffering from sore throat from stress

Every sore throat puts us on alert. The classic itching or inflammation scares us because it can be the origin of a viral disease. Colds and flu are often the most common cause. Allergies, meanwhile, also trigger this condition. Now, a sore throat due to stress may surprise us because there is no specific viral or allergic factor. What triggers this discomfort is a psychological state.

How can it be? We understand stress as that mental and physical exhaustion caused by demands that exceed us and that we cannot control. Knowing this … how can this mental overload lead, for example, to pharyngitis? We analyze it.

Muscle tension (dysphonia)

This data is interesting. Dysphonia is a disorder that affects the timbre of the voice. Suddenly we have hoarseness, hoarseness or a somewhat strange tone. In addition, we feel discomfort, as when we have shouted a lot and we perceive a tired, inflamed throat.

It is interesting to know that dysphonia can appear in situations of high stress. Sometimes the simple act of speaking in public can cause it.

Studies such as those carried out at the University of Missouri-Columbia, for example, indicate that the origin is in the muscular tension of this area of ​​the throat. Elevated levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, would be behind this situation.

When you have a hard time swallowing (the hysterical bolus)

Have you ever felt a lump in your throat? That sensation in which we suddenly find it difficult to swallow saliva and we even feel as if something is obstructing the pharynx, is called a hysterical bolus or pharyngeal balloon. It occurs in intense states of stress or anxiety. They are situations in which the brain prepares us to flee or face a dangerous and threatening stimulus.

To do this, what it does is block processes related to digestion or swallowing. For example, priority is given to bringing more oxygen to the muscles of the extremities and reducing tasks such as saliva production. All this makes the throat tighten, it is difficult for us to swallow and we even feel a certain sensation of suffocation. They are more extreme situations.

Sore throat from stress and changes in our breathing

Stress sore throat can also be the result of a change in breathing. When we go through those times of greater physiological intensity, of anguish, concern and external pressures, we usually experience the following:

  • We are more likely to breathe through our mouths in an attempt to get more air. This makes the throat sore and dry.
  • Long-lasting stress states often lead to sleep disturbances. Something common is to suffer from tachycardia, rapid breathing … Also in those night hours it is common to end up breathing through the mouth so that it is common to suffer irritations, dryness, discomfort …
Woman Relaxing To Relieve Stress Sore Throat

What can we do to avoid these situations?

All these alterations that originate in states such as stress or anxiety basically require changes in lifestyle. A sore throat due to stress is just a symptom, the manifestation of something that we must attend to, take care of and manage. Let’s look at some strategies, however:

  • Detect sources or stressful situations and make decisions. Small changes can mean great benefits for your well-being.
  • Pay attention to your thoughts and become aware of those exhausting, negative or irrational ideas that increase your well-being.
  • Learn new problem-solving techniques. Above all, avoid that what worries you today is still present tomorrow and in the past.
  • Apply relaxation and breathing techniques (such as deep breathing or diaphragmatic breathing).
  • Get enough rest, take care of your sleep hygiene.
  • Do some sport, be active. Exercise increases endurance and muscle tone. This allows us not only to gain in well-being, we also improve our breathing.

Other non-infectious causes of a sore throat

On the other hand, it is important to take into account some daily habits that cause a sore throat without the presence of a viral or allergic factor. Well, if they add to a high stress load, it can hinder the proper treatment of the condition. Ideally, you should take them into account and try to avoid them. According to studies, these causes can be:

  • Smoking. Both smokers themselves and people exposed to secondhand smoke (passive smoking) are at increased risk of sore throats. In addition, people with high levels of stress use cigarettes as a means of calming down. In this way, it is best to find other ways to relax.
  • Snoring is also associated with high frequencies of sore throat, although the direction of causation is not always clear. Since, a high frequency of sore throat is a risk factor for snoring and vice versa. In these cases, a sore throat may be associated with obstructive sleep apnea in adults. If you suffer from snoring, consult your doctor to identify the best solution.
  • Yelling and a high voice load can lead to a sore throat, according to people in professions that require the use (and overuse) of their voice for work. For example, aerobic instructors and school teachers report a higher incidence of sore throat. In these cases, the ideal would be to identify tools that help reduce throat damage.

The most appropriate thing in all cases is to go to our doctor first and rule out viral problems, inflammations or allergies. In case this annoyance is a constant in times of stress, do not hesitate to make use of these tips or consult a specialized professional.

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