Stendhal Syndrome, When The Pleasure For Art Attacks Your Health

Stendhal syndrome, when the pleasure of art attacks your health

Stendhal syndrome, also known as Florence syndrome, is considered a psychosomatic disorder that especially affects highly sensitive people. It occurs when in a short period of time, we continuously admire a large number of works of art, experiencing a kind of overdose of artistic beauty.

The origin of this pathology resides in the subject who observes the art, and not in the object itself.  Most of the people look at the work of art, admire its forms, its style and other types of elements. However, people with Stendhal syndrome notice their beauty, they are very sensitive to it. The admiration of artistic works has a multitude of interpretations and subjective evaluations that depend on the culture of each person.

Stendhal syndrome, excessive mental pleasure

Groups of neurologists explain how excessive mental pleasure in visualizing marvelous works can end up turning into great discomfort. The symptoms that are experienced are usually physical / mental: sweating, palpitations, dizziness, blurred vision. Sensations of stress and similar to an anxiety attack, with hallucinations and feelings of euphoria and depression as appropriate.

Anxious woman


The problem is that this is increased in an environment where works of art are everywhere. Let’s imagine that we are in a museum or in a place where there are works of great beauty. There is nowhere you can escape to recover from these symptoms that can cause dread to the sufferer.

The first to write about this pathology was the French writer Stendhal, who described his personal experience during a visit to Florence. He experienced all of the symptoms described above. In fact, in the book he wrote he mentioned the following:

man in a museum


In the 1970s, psychiatrist Graziela Magherini took Stendhal’s experience into account while studying a large multitude of similar cases of tourists visiting Florence. This city is characterized by the magnificent works of art that it houses. After Graziela’s investigation, the problem studied was definitely defined as a syndrome.

A quite controversial romantic reference

Stendhal syndrome usually develops in iconic cities from an artistic point of view. Florence, Rome, or Venice are the best known examples. The controversy offered by some psychologists, describes as the only reason responsible for this syndrome, the suggestion that accompanies many tourists who are already familiar with this pathology. 

In fact, Enrique Pallarés Molíns, doctor of psychology and emeritus professor at the University of Deusto, has serious doubts about the existence or not of this symptomatology that occurs when exposed to very beautiful works of art. In his own words, he opines the following:

woman admiring artwork


Stendhal syndrome has become a romantic reference, and can occur anywhere, where the concentration of beauty (painting, music, poetry, etc.) is impossible to bear. There are many detractors, but also people like Stendhal who have claimed to feel dizziness, tachycardia and other symptoms when in the presence of works of art.

Have you experienced any of the symptoms of Stendhal syndrome when faced with a picture? Do you think it is a real pathology or something that is the result of suggestion?

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