Social Intervention In Educational Contexts

Social intervention in the school environment can change the course of students. You want to know why?
Social intervention in educational contexts

The school stage is a time that can be very difficult for both students and their parents or guardians. Bullying, school failure, absenteeism, complicated situations at home, learning difficulties … Sometimes, it is necessary the role of a third party to resolve the situation. Therefore, social intervention in educational contexts can be of great importance.

The years we spend in school and high school mark our lives. At this stage we forge our personality and we could say that we learn to live in society. These are some years in which we share a lot of time with equals.

Although the context of each student may be different, the institute must help students, whatever their social and cultural background, build a positive self-concept. As well as that they are integrated into the daily interaction of the institution and can take advantage of the educational opportunities that are available (Fernández and Fernández, 2011).

It is important to emphasize that the educational process aims to ensure that the student has a situation that enables their free and harmonious development.

Although it is true that, as Roselló (1998) says, this process must be conceived as a whole, involving not only educators, but also other professionals who can fill “gaps” in the educational system. Among these professionals we can find psychologists, social workers, speech therapists, educational psychologists …

Educational professionals gathered

Social intervention in educational contexts

In some autonomous communities, the figure of the PTSC or technical teacher of community services was created. As the authors cited above say, this figure is created to intervene effectively in risky situations, as well as to avoid the possible school and social exclusion of these students and favor their involvement and use of compulsory secondary education. 

In addition to this figure, there are some educational and psychopedagogical guidance teams whose functions are : to advise, support and collaborate with teachers to improve educational quality.

The International Federation of Social Workers believes that the school environment is the first in which family and social problems can be detected (FITS cited in Roselló, 1998). We must not forget that any problem detected early can help us prevent or alleviate its effects.

Social intervention in the educational field, therefore, aims to collaborate so that any student, regardless of their origin, family or social environment, has the same opportunities as the rest.

This can be achieved by working with both the student and the family. We must try to get those responsible for the students involved so that adaptation and success are complete.

It could be said that the intervention usually begins with the detection of the problems or that these interventions are linked to the private sphere. This means that external associations or companies are conducting the educational and informative talks.

But, what could be done from the educational field itself?

Given that there are professionals, it is necessary to highlight the need to guide students towards a healthy life. When we talk about healthy, there is a general thought that guides this expression towards the physical, but we must not forget the importance of mental health. Training healthy young people and adults, with social skills, with leisure alternatives that are beneficial for the development of life is essential.

Woman with social worker

Roles of the social worker in the educational context

The discipline of social work is developed in different areas. One of them is also educational. It should be said that in this field there is still much to explore, although it is a field with many possibilities for the profession.

Within social intervention in educational contexts we want to distinguish some of its functions: (Iglesias and Ortuño, 2017):

  • Collaborate in the elaboration of the educational projects of centers, especially in relation to the socio-cultural conditions of the environment and the social and family aspects of the students in school.
  • Information and guidance to parents in the field of their functions and the exercise of parenting.
  • Attend and solve individual situations of the students. Absenteeism, poor performance, relationship and communication problems, maladjustment, coexistence and conflict …
  • Collaborate in the development of training programs aimed at families.
  • Prepare and disseminate materials and instruments that are useful for teachers.
  • Provide the educational center with the necessary information on existing resources in the community. Inform about educational and social needs, which enable adequate educational planning.

The social worker must attain greater prominence in the educational context. As an agent and professional of change, it is your responsibility to play a fundamental role in improving the coexistence and well-being of the educational community.

We cannot forget that laying a good foundation in the children we educate today is planting the seeds for a better future.

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