Science Shows The Negative Effects Of TV On Children

Science shows the negative effects of TV on children

Before starting, say that TV is not bad in itself. However, as a socializing agent, it is a transmitter of values. Thus, it becomes an important actor in the development of our little ones. In this way, science studies again and again the possible negative effects of TV on children, and there are many if we let them expose themselves in excess, without control or supervision.

As Agatha Christie once said, “ u

Bored kid in math class

INSERM research director and neuroscientist Michel Desmurget highlights the impact that TV has on today’s culture. So much so that he has concluded his studies showing that the silly box has the ability to transform us into more anxious, aggressive and competitive beings.

But in this case, and referring to children, Desmurget affirms that it is directly related to attention disorders in the initial stages of growth. In addition, it also causes them a greater degree of anxiety. And, as if that weren’t enough, these profiles show a high level of adolescent delinquency.

That is to say, television and the excess exposure of children shows a certain neglect in the family educating task. In addition, it is also observed that as a socializing agent, without an authorized voice to guide children, it can be totally counterproductive.

Health problems from excessive TV exposure

Although it may seem strange, the health of children between 2 and 10 years old who spend more than 2 hours a day can be negatively altered. Specifically, by promoting a sedentary lifestyle, you are up to 30% more likely to have hypertension.

Boy watching tv

Furthermore, high TV consumption is associated with  excessive image care. In fact, studies show that the more exposed teens are, the more concerned they are about their weight. This can even be a good thing if it doesn’t turn into one, as long as it’s not taken to the extreme, of course.

Can we moderate the negative effects of TV on children?

Indeed, the negative effects of TV on children can be perfectly minimized. But to take advantage of the positive impact of this medium on children we have to be attentive to certain details:

  • Allow the use of one to two hours per day and trying that the content is adapted and of quality.
  • Before the age of two, children should be stimulated with objects and toys, but not with television. Activities that develop your brain such as conversation or reading are more recommended.
  • It’s a good idea to watch TV with the boys.

As we can see, TV  does not have to be negative. With proper control and responsible use it will be very easy to take advantage of this medium. Even more so today, when the possibilities we have allow us to choose practically on demand the programs and times in which we consume audiovisual content.

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