Revenge: Tit For Tat And The World Will End Up Blind

Revenge: an eye for an eye and the world will end up blind

Gandhi said that “an eye for an eye and the world will end up blind.” With non-violence as his maxim, he appealed to this phrase in search of ears willing to listen to him and understand his message. His notice of revenge is simple to understand but difficult to apply.

People feel the desire to take revenge when they have hurt us deeply. When someone we love and appreciate hurts us, it can leave an emotional scar that burns with intense heat, asking to be put out, causing another wound to the heart of the aggressor.

Immediate satisfaction, permanent consequences

Revenge is a failed attempt to balance the balance because, no matter how many adjustments are made, it will always remain unbalanced. The injured person will feel inferior and below the person who has caused the damage, so they will try to hurt the other to regain their initial position of balance or achieve superiority.

The first emotion that usually appears when we avenge ourselves is satisfaction and the feeling that everything has regained its balance. However, this feeling quickly fades to give way to feelings of guilt and remorse. It can also feel empty, like when we finish a big project, if the time and resources we have devoted to planning and executing that revenge have been many.


In cases where there are no regrets after revenge, the balance does not balance at all. The consequences of revenge last and its effects can be reflected in future times, where the desire to do harm has disappeared and sadness for the damage caused appears.

It is impossible to predict the future and know who we will need by our side. Perhaps that person whom you want to hurt today will be important in your life again tomorrow. Remember that feelings of revenge disappear, but the wound that you cause motivated by this feeling can be deep or permanent.

The revenge of never again

When one person opens the first page of the revenge book and the other continues his story, it is difficult for the story not to continue in crescendo until it reaches the climax of the book. The intensity of the actions of both characters tend to increase as the chapters of the story progress.

Revenge resides in Neverland, where he stays young, there are no rules, no responsibility.

young man hugging moons

When a problem arises between two or more people there are several alternatives: flee, attack or solve it.  In the case of revenge, the chosen alternative is to attack. If both people decide to use the same strategy, there will be an escalation of conflict that will increase until one of the parties decides that in that fight too much has already been lost.

The world lacks compassion and excess honor

In the culture of honor, where the important thing is not the damage caused but the honor repaired, relationships are burned by burning people. Feeding revenge with attacks will only fuel the flame of hatred. Ending the fire is just the first step that will allow something new to emerge from the ashes.

There is no justice in revenge, no reparation in attack.

Responding to pain with more pain will not change the situation, nor will it make you feel better. Most of the time, being brave does not mean responding stronger than the other, but putting yourself in the place of the one who hurt you and deciding that you do not want anyone else to relive that pain.

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