Psychosolutions To Disconnect From Work And Enjoy

Psychosolutions to disconnect from work and enjoy

It happens without us noticing. Work begins to become the center  of our concerns. And then it becomes practically the only thing that occupies our mind, our time and our emotions. We discover then that we are not able to disconnect from work and enjoy ourselves.

It is as if we are trapped in a web from which there is no escape. We would like to rest, dedicate more time to other things, but it becomes impossible. Disconnecting from work makes us feel guilty and anxious.

Little by little, in an almost imperceptible way, the idea begins to emerge with us that something remains to be finished and that until we do it we cannot be at peace. This is a trap. Earrings always exist. The truth is that this feeling prevents us from disconnecting. We fear, irrationally, that any oversight will get us fired. What to do in those cases? Here are five ideas that can help you.

Mandatory enjoyable activities

The first thing is to become aware that living like this does not bring us anything of benefit. We neglect the people we love and all the time we maintain a latent anguish. Our life is very limited and we don’t really experience the joy of living.

A good idea to disconnect from work is to make a list of things that we liked to do. There should be no less than 20 activities. The purpose is to do at least one of those activities every day, on a mandatory basis. Whatever happens, we must meet that daily goal.

couple practicing sports to disconnect from work

Taste and perceive, a way to disconnect from work

Sometimes the best way to disconnect from work and therefore reconnect with life is to start by using our senses better. Surely we have forgotten to look at many things, savor others and perceive that huge world that surrounds us.

So let’s start by concentrating on what we eat. Let us feel its aroma, its texture. Let’s do the same with the music we listen to, the landscapes or works of art that we contemplate, the aromas that we perceive, etc. We begin to rediscover ourselves when we remember that we have five senses to capture the world.

Technological disconnect

For many people, disconnecting from technology is almost a shock. It seems impossible for them to live without a cell phone or without checking email. They feel real panic about what might happen while they are disconnected from the appliances. It seems to them that they will miss something very important.

close mobile to disconnect from work

Turning off your phone or computer is essential to disconnect from work. As difficult as it may seem, when it comes to doing it it is not so terrible. You’d be surprised how relaxing it can be. If someone thinks that they cannot do it at all, they should at least try to limit the moments of access to the mobile phone or the Internet.

A new hobby

To some it seems that when they disconnect from work they will fall into an unbearable emptiness. That terrifies them. A point has been reached where there are two realities: on one side is work. On the other, nothingness or, in any case, the unpredictable, chaotic or irrelevant.

Nothing better in those cases than to develop a new hobby. That activity becomes that reality that is on the other shore. It avoids that feeling of emptiness that occurs when you try to get away from your work obligations. And surely over time it will become one of the determining spaces for you to feel again that life is more than work.

Relaxation techniques

Practicing one of the relaxation techniques always helps. Finally, when you find it impossible to disconnect from work, it is because you are under a high state of stress. That stress is self-nurturing. That is why it is important to stop and get the emotions to stabilize and the body to take a normal rhythm.

People doing tai chi to disconnect from work

There are many effective and interesting relaxation techniques. Yoga, meditation, sophrology, etc. If it seems too demanding at first, just try to give yourself time each day to breathe. About 15 minutes a day is enough. Make it a habit and don’t give it up.

Learning to disconnect from work, without feeling guilty or anxious, is essential for our physical and emotional health. Free time is a valuable asset that we should never waste. Life is made up of many facets and if we concentrate on just one of them, we will be depriving ourselves of great wonders.

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