Pay Attention And Intention In Your Life

Pay attention and intention in your life

To pay attention, you have to live more slowly, more attentive to what is happening at all times, being aware of our actions, our attitudes and their consequences.

Putting intention in life means projecting our life, since in addition to being attentive, we have to walk, make decisions and look for new possibilities. In this way, our intention becomes our reality.

Pay attention to the power of the here and now

Paying attention to every moment of our life means living consciously and making an effort to live “here and now.” For this we can follow some tips:

  • This is looking for moments of the day to “stop doing”, we spend our lives doing things, quickly, quickly and at a frantic pace because we do not arrive, and this makes us lose attention. To recover it, find a space for yourself in your day to day life, and take advantage of it to listen to the silence, read, write, observe …
  • , understanding that it is different from hearing. We listen when we pay attention to what is happening around us. Being attentive to the verbal or non-verbal messages that the people around us or the different situations in life give us.
  • Observe , it is very important to observe, for this we have to stop and know how to listen, at the same time that we observe what happens around us, without influencing it, just to learn from it, and better know the environment and the people that we surround. Observing is also a way of learning.
  • Be aware , it is to pay attention and be receptive also understand what is happening around us. To be aware we put all our senses, we receive messages and we analyze them, interpreting them so that they serve us as learning about the present moment.
  • To slow down , is to keep moving forward, although more slowly. It is not about stopping, but about walking at a slower pace. That rhythm that allows us at the same time to move forward and enjoy the landscape that we are leaving behind.
  • Focusing on something concrete is important, paying attention to only one thing at a time in the present. To live in the here and now, we have to pay attention to some task or person in the present, without letting ourselves be carried away by the rest of external and insignificant stimuli at this moment.
Woman thinking while smelling a dandelion

Set intention, living intensely

Setting intention is knowing what we want to do at all times and in the near future. To do this, the intention opens the way, directing us in the direction that will take us in the desired direction. If we put intention, we will give ourselves the possibility of living it intensely. To be able to do it in practice, I propose:

  •  It is important to be very clear about the intention of our movements, whether in life in general or in specific situations. When you define your intention, you will also have reached the moment to walk towards your desire.
  •  this means drawing the direction of the line of your path. To project is to visualize ourselves, to know where we want to go and to be attentive to the experiences and opportunities that life offers us in the direction of the path that we have set the intention of reaching.
  • Take decisions. It is necessary to move forward and live intensely, that we make decisions in the direction set by us, with the intention of getting where we have proposed to go. We cannot wait for anyone to decide for us, however, if we are attentive, life will show us opportunities, and from there, each one decides his life.
  •  To live intensely, we have to feel secure in the place we want to get to. Although we do not know what will happen with each decision made, the security is in knowing that we want to continue moving forward, enjoying and living each moment as if it were the only one.
  • When we know what we want, and we want to live intensely, it is important to be open to different options, reflect on them and assess them before making a decision.
Woman thinking positive

Feel deeply

When we pay attention and intention to life, we feel everything that happens to us in a profound way, since we feel we are the protagonists of what happens to us, living it in the first person. Despite how simple the idea seems, it is not something that normally happens: we immerse ourselves in a world of automatisms and superficial issues, which, far from making us happy, make us more insensitive every day, feeding the feeling of remoteness with our interior.

Our subconscious mind allows us to live in “automatic”, in a routine way; However, we can become subconsciously aware only by observing and interpreting what we feel. A good way to discover the part of us that is alien to our consciousness is to be attentive to who we really are.

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