Omnipotence Or Sitting In Ten Chairs At The Same Time

Omnipotence manifests itself through the belief that anything can be done, so there is no room for no. The psychologist Marcelo Ceberio tells us about it.
Omnipotence or sitting in ten chairs at the same time

Feeling powerful is a very healthy quality for all humans. It is feeling self-worth, with strength and energy to carry out projects. Feeling powerful motivates us.

However, some underprivileged people dive into mechanisms where they believe they can do anything. They are everywhere, they are omnipresent in their own actions and fundamentally those of others. In this way, they generate an entourage of people in need, who they supply by sitting in each chair that is placed for them.

Know our limits

Abilities and strengths are part of the personal power that confronting situations implies, whether these problems are when solving them or not. Therefore, feeling powerful when facing an experience refers to self-worth or rather depends on it.

Someone who has good self-esteem is self-aware of their abilities…. but he also knows his limitations, that is, what he can and cannot. Thus, while the person feels powerful, they feel self-valued (and also valued by others). The problem arises when personal limits are exceeded and omnipotence is entered.

Man climbing a stone up a slope

Omnipotence is the tacit or explicit belief that everything is possible. In fact, many do not only do things for themselves, but also for others. They are the ones who, when faced with a simple comment from a friend, an acquaintance, or a relative, a brain chip is activated to think about how it is possible to give a hand to the other.

They are also the ones who get on-call pharmacies, electricians, specialist doctors, exotic foods, a piece of unbeatable machinery, they have the right advice or are solicitous in helping others. They are the ones who in the middle of summer with 40 degrees in the shade and having the afternoon free, accompany someone – relevant or not in their life – to carry out a procedure in the heart of the city, when they could stay napping with air conditioning.

It is not about not helping the friend who asks for help, it is about the fact that the omnipotent can always, with which they never say NO, they are devotees of YES above all else.

They are a mixture (within the classification that I already present in another article on failed forms in search of valuation), of devalued Siístas and Yotodolopuedo. People who can do everything are loved and valued – in some way this is the end they pursue – although they do not belong to the group of the omnipotent who boast of their abilities.

There are many opportunities in which omnipotence is confused with pride. Even the omnipotent label is placed on someone who boasts of what he can, or what he knows, or what he does; but this is not necessarily reflected in their actions.

The Almighty Are Not Boasters

Braggers consciously believe that they can do anything. Now, that is not having good self-esteem, but egotism, that is, one’s own idolization. This is closer to pedantry and arrogance, although it could well be typical of delusional behavior.

They are also omnipotent overbearing who try to monopolize dialogue, giving themselves a small-time shine, in addition to being absolutely selfish. In his dialogues, which are monologues, one hears people say “because I / I once / you know that I…”, even though the interlocutor is talking about some personal topic.

Proud, arrogant, humble, false modest, overestimated, egotistical, boastful, ostentatious, petulant are some specimens of human fauna, who try through various avenues, seek recognition and defend themselves in the face of their strong feelings of handicap. They are omnipotent, but they are not in their actions : they honor the expression “giants with feet of clay”. They show that they can do everything, but they do not reflect it when acting.

All these characters are omnipotent false characters, because the real ones do not show off their actions or brag. The true ones do in silence, they develop multiple actions because doing and being in everything is part of their personal and relational style.

Now, let us remember that forms, actions and expressions, which are systematized in life, end up forming a personality style. At first, they may have been created as an attempt to seek valuation on the outside, but after years they were formed as a style of acting. Therefore, the omnipotent do not become aware of what they are doing until someone alerts them and many times it is the space of psychotherapy that indicates this mechanism.

These forms of the omnipotent undervalued lead them to become controlling. All the details must go through their supervision, since they maintain the belief that it is only they who have the ability to develop any task in an ideal way.

Driver man calling his girlfriend on the phone

They become, then, omnipresent, they are everywhere making display of their capacities. Strictly speaking, it is not that these omnipotent ones do not have resources, but quite the opposite. Like all human beings, they have abilities that they develop effectively, and we could say that they are very capable people, both to do things for themselves and for others. They have only one butt, but they sit in numerous chairs at the same time.

In appearance, the omnipotent move autonomously and independently in all their social circles. But there is nothing more dependent than an omnipotent. Beneath its fortress facade is an insecure personality with a share of fragility and, above all, with numerous fears of being disqualified.

All these features are in the service of not really showing up. How much impotence and devaluation must there be in the substratum of the person to need to show the world so much omnipotence!

One of the problems that interactively generates this type of omnipotent attitudes is abuse. The omnipotent is putting together a circle of needy dependents who feed on his doing for them, since an omnipotent does not help to solve the problem of the other, he takes care of the problem of the other. Then it stops being the other’s problem to be your own problem.

This army of dependents little by little configures the beginning of the abuse, to the extent that the omnipotent paves the way for their desires and expectations. Therefore,  these dependents end up being abusive of the characteristics and actions of the omnipotent partner.

The treacherous image to exemplify would be a woman with her breasts overflowing with milk offering to breastfeed … since she will always find needy babies to suck her.

Now, the main abuse suffered by the omnipotent is not from others towards himself, but the one inflicted by him or her with their attitudes.

Therefore, being ourselves, genuinely helping the other, is a healthy and functional way of acting, but omnipotence is a defense that must be modified in order to heal relationships, de-stress, take charge of one’s own problems and know that each one You must be responsible for where you sit….

So: what are the chairs you really want to sit in?

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