Life Is About More Than Breathing

Life is more than just breathing

Every day we focus on our routine tasks, on moving, breathing and little else, without realizing that we have lost the ability to dream, to get excited, to enjoy every moment. Life is more than routine, sleeping, eating and working.

We distinguish our moments of leisure, of our moments of work, but life is everything, we cannot limit it or corner it in a few days of vacation. All of our time is life. If you are not enjoying every second you are missing a lot of things.

Learn to dream

Life is something more, it is dreaming every moment of getting closer to what we have wanted since we were children. Do you remember what you dreamed of as a child? Think about what you longed for, what you were most excited about, perhaps you dreamed of being a pilot, of being a painter, of writing stories. What has prevented you from fulfilling your dreams?

Boat sailing with the moon life is

Many times we stop dreaming to fulfill the dreams or desires of others, to follow a life that is not really ours and we abandon what we want with all our heart. It is about dreaming again, remembering what makes our heart beat strongly or a smile is drawn on our mouth.

Enjoy every moment

Many times we are with other people and we get distracted thinking about our concerns, leaving aside many things: how that person looks at you, what is he saying, how he smells at that moment, how he knows what you drink, what color is the sky …

Put aside your mobile, your worries, and listen, feel, feel life, in its immense fullness and beauty, with all its smells, its colors, its people. Smile, every moment, even if you feel bad, that smile will comfort you.

Life is acting

Life is acting, it is not sitting at home waiting for things to happen, it is moving, it is doing everything possible to fight for our dreams, for what we want. It does not matter if we lose, if we fail, we will always win an apprenticeship.

If you want to dedicate yourself to painting pictures, paint, go to a painting course, interact with painters, visit museums and exhibitions, do everything possible to enjoy your skill. Think about what you are good at, what you are passionate about and move on.

Life is feeling

Life is feeling, it is crying, it is laughing, it is hugging, it is caressing. It is letting the feelings wash over us and letting them out. Sometimes we have been used to hiding what we feel, to being impassive when we want to cry, to limiting our displays of affection. But it’s time to learn how rewarding it is to let out our feelings.

Woman with hands on the moon

Do you dare to hug, kiss? What prevents you? There is nothing more beautiful than giving kisses and hugs, than surrounding someone with our body and giving a very strong hug, a hug in which fear, sadness, or loneliness do not enter.

Life is not being afraid

Life is overcoming the fear of living, of changing, of falling in love to avoid being hurt, of working in something that we do not like because we are afraid of not finding another job, of keeping quiet about what we feel so as not to disappoint other people.

Overcome your fear, think that most of the things that scare us have never happened or will never happen and if they do happen we will face them with all our courage. Enjoy the here and now, what you feel at this precise moment and all the good that is around you.

Every day get up with a smile, draw with your mouth a beautiful curve that shows your joy, that shows that you are not afraid, that you have learned to control that fear and put it in your favor. Show life that you really want to live it.

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