Keys To Detect If You Are A Perfectionist Person

Perfectionism can become a limitation, make us inefficient and cause us emotional distress. Find out if you have this trait and how it may be affecting you in your day to day.
Keys to detect if you are a perfectionist person

Some people feel that perfectionism is a desirable quality. And while it is true that this trait can make us more responsible, productive and efficient, when it is a very marked trait it can constitute a real limitation.

However, due to the positive connotation that is sometimes attributed to it, it may not be easy for you to detect if you are a perfectionist; and, therefore, recognize how this is hurting you.

In general, the search for perfection has its roots in childhood. In this way, we grow with it and it is so natural to us that we cannot detect that there are other (perhaps more functional) ways of approaching our daily tasks.

Therefore, we want to show you some signs that may indicate that perfectionism is having a negative impact on your day to day.

Perfectionist woman organizing chores

How to detect if you are a perfectionist person?

It is possible that this attitude is only present in some area of ​​your life, for example in the workplace. However, most likely it permeates your entire daily life. Thus, we invite you to analyze if you see yourself reflected in any of the following questions.

You lose sight of the main objective

For a perfectionist, getting a flawless result is essential. For this reason, they tend to spend a disproportionate amount of time polishing, qualifying and reviewing every detail of the tasks they perform.

A work task, a personal project or even a simple email can be reviewed over and over again in search of an even more optimal result. In this way, it is possible that the main objective is even lost sight of : meeting the deadline agreed with the company, enjoying or making a communication.

Error is synonymous with failure

No person is infallible, we all make mistakes at times and it is legal to fail and learn from experience. However, the perfectionist has a dichotomous thinking in which everything is perceived as black or white.

Thus, to make a mistake means to have completely failed and is a cause for shame and punishment. In short, they are very self-critical and generally implacable with themselves.


Procrastination consists of putting off pending tasks and obligations and investing time in enjoyable but unproductive activities. It is not only about laziness, but that this habit is closely related to the fear of not being able to carry out the task.

Due to the excessive pressure that the perfectionist person on their shoulders, it can be overwhelming to face certain obligations (especially the more complex or demanding). And, for the same reason, it tends to postpone them beyond what is appropriate.

You are demanding and intolerant of others

One of the best ways to detect if you are a perfectionist is to look at the way you think about others. And it is that the height of the bar that the perfectionist applies to himself tends to transfer it to the people around him.

Thus, they tend to be very critical, intolerant individuals with high expectations towards others. Any behavior that does not meet their standards automatically becomes unacceptable and reprehensible.

Man blaming a woman

You are unable to delegate

One of the most limiting aspects of perfectionism occurs when having to work or interact with other people.

And it is that, the individual who has this trait is usually unable to delegate to others. Not only because he considers others less competent, but because he believes that others do not usually apply the same degree of rigor and precision in tasks.

Perfectionism can become your biggest limitation

If you have seen yourself reflected in the previous characteristics, it is very possible that perfectionism has become a limitation for you. Paradoxically , that desire to be productive and responsible may be leading you to be less efficient, as well as causing you emotional distress.

For this reason, it can be positive to review your beliefs, make your thinking flexible and lower your standards to a realistic level, so that you can perform and enjoy each task you undertake.

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