It’s Not You, It’s Me … And Without You I Am Everything

It's not you, it's me ... and without you I am everything

How many times have we been attracted to people who did not correspond to us or to people who did it in the way we wanted or thought we deserved. And we have emptied ourselves by them, without receiving anything in return. Have you thought then that of I am me, or is it you?

How many times do we get hooked on someone, as if we need to have an external motive that motivates us to enjoy life. As if knowing someone’s existence confirmed our own engine. How many times have we had to take refuge from the world because that person we thought we knew and loved above many things, disappoints us over and over again.

How many times have we felt that we were to blame that that relationship ended because we did not know how to manage it well, or show how we were. As if we had to be perfect, or pretend what we have never been.

How many times have we surprised ourselves comparing ourselves with other people who, according to our point of view, overshadow our claims. As if we weren’t our own role models.

Because it’s not you, it’s me

Woman thinking it's not you, it's me

Of course, it’s me. I am the one who has learned not to be there if they do not seek her, not to surrender if they do not receive, not to give more than someone shows them deserve. I am the one who has understood that when things do not arise, it is best not to force them, because they rust, lose value, stop working, stagnate forever.

I am the one who wants to dance, laugh and live without conditions , without excuses, without interference. The one who has learned that to think of you, I first have to know who I am, what matters to me, where I want to go.

Because life in the end is prioritizing. And we cannot live depending on someone else’s priorities. We cannot give others the ability to keep our happiness rank up to their intentions, as if the quota we couldn’t fill with our own hands.

Because you are not looking for someone to complete yourself, we are already a whole. It is sought to go beyond our field of vision. To contribute and that they contribute to us. To solve an equation for which we do not know the unknown.

Put yourself first

Don’t go out there for the sole purpose of finding what you don’t find in yourself. Do not go out with the intention of being discovered if you are not capable of developing yourself. To go for what truly fills you, to pursue your dreams.

Woman doing cartwheels

They educate us to satisfy others, to be liked, to live according to the ideals of the majority. They educate us to see ourselves in the obligation of linking ourselves to someone or something in order to reach the top of life. But they didn’t explain the fine print to us.

First you must be yourself, and then everything that is congruent with you. It is not selfishness, it is coherence. When you open the door to the outside, you should know how to filter what it is that compensates you and what can bring you something positive.

If you do not know what you are looking for, you will not value what you find. It is not about being above others, it is about being in control of our life so that emotional turbulence does not blind us when it comes to following our path.

I am the one who does not want to stop being who I am to be with someone. Because without you I am also me. And without you I am everything.

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