I’m Not Sleepy, Why? Causes And Symptoms

Sometimes when it is time to go to sleep, we are unable to close our eyes and feel tired. “I’m not sleepy”. Why happens? Here we tell you the main reasons why this usually happens.
I'm not sleepy, why?  Causes and symptoms

Sleep and, therefore, good sleep is essential to recover energy and allow the consolidation of information in memory and the maintenance of many mental processes. Therefore, not getting enough sleep or that this sleep is not of quality affects us in many ways. Among others, it decreases well-being, cognitive performance and influences physiological processes. Hence, we are concerned about not being sleepy.

Not being sleepy implies that we are not experiencing the bodily sensations that warn us that the body needs to rest. On many occasions, this situation is associated with a sleep disorder, specifically in the difficulty to start it. However, on other occasions it is due to situational factors, such as, for example, excess caffeine or having taken a too long nap.

Why can’t I get a good rest?

The reasons that can lead us to not be sleepy are multiple. In fact, it is most likely that several of them are interacting at the same time. Among the main causes are:

Woman awake in bed

Anxiety, stress, or worries

One of the main causes of lack of sleep is worry, anxiety or stress. The state of physical and mental activation in which they put us makes it really difficult to sleep. Sometimes, it is something specific that does not let us sleep for a couple of nights. On the other hand, if the anxiety problem persists, you can end up developing an associated insomnia disorder.

In addition, if we are in an anxious state, the fact of not having sleep symptoms can in turn generate more worry and frustration. In this situation, it is best to try to do some relaxing activity before going to bed, which allows us to disconnect.

Reading a book, listening to relaxing music, or doing a relaxation or meditation exercise can help significantly.

Excess or lack of physical activity

Physical activity plays a fundamental role in sleep. With this, it does not only refer to sport, but to any activity that makes us move and expend energy. Thus, if during the day we have to move from one place to another, go shopping and play sports, at the end of the day we are more tired and it is easier to fall asleep.

With regard to sports activity, some aspects must be taken into consideration, since it can both facilitate and hinder sleep. If the exercise is done in the morning or hours before going to sleep, you can feel the benefits it brings. On the other hand, when you do sports shortly before going to sleep, it will be difficult to fall asleep. This is because the body has been activated to perform an exercise and it takes time to regain a normal rhythm.

Drugs and substances

Generally, drowsiness is among the side effects of some medications. However, there are some drugs that can make it difficult to fall asleep. Among these, the consumption of psychotropic drugs, antihistamines or corticosteroids, since they affect the autonomic nervous system.

On the other hand, the use of stimulant substances is another variable with an important weight. The consumption of certain drugs has a direct effect on rest, such as amphetamines or cocaine. Also drinking alcohol can make sleeping more difficult, contrary to what many think. Alcohol triggers a series of processes that causes dehydration of the body and it is, indeed, this which causes difficulties in sleeping.

Likewise, consuming stimulant substances such as soda, tea, or caffeine will keep you awake for longer. However, depending on the tolerance of each person, the effect will be more or less serious. Some people are unaffected by having coffee a couple of hours before bed. However, other people have a hard time sleeping if they took it even 8 hours before sleeping.

Circadian rhythm maladjustment

Circadian rhythms are responsible for regulating the cycles of wakefulness and sleep. This system is regulated by external signals. Thus, if for any reason these external indicators are altered, the sleep rhythm is also altered and it will be difficult to reconcile it when the time comes.

The most important signal for circadian rhythms is exposure to light and dark. When receiving light, melatonin is synthesized, which is a hormone essentially involved in rest. Thus, if for some reason we do not expose ourselves to the light of day enough, it is more difficult for us to feel sleepy at night. In the same way that it would be difficult to sleep in broad daylight.

More generally, circadian rhythms are disrupted by irregularities in sleep patterns. That is, anything that causes a change in routine and affects the times you go to sleep. For example, changing time zones, having night work hours, or simply changing rest habits sporadically.

Other causes

The causes described above are the most common in optimal general health. However, there are other conditions that can lead people to not be sleepy when they should. In this case we refer to medical or psychological conditions. For example the existence of brain damage, other genetic alterations or an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Stressed girl with closed eyes

Insomnia symptoms

The main symptom of not being sleepy is not feeling the need to sleep when you should or want to. This, in turn, generates feelings of frustration and more anxiety and concern in the person. What in principle is a specific problem, can end up forming a greater problem of insomnia.

To be considered insomnia, the following criteria must be met:

  • Difficulty falling asleep.
  • Difficulties occur despite feeling tired and under the right conditions.
  • Significant discomfort and / or deterioration in social, occupational, academic or other areas.
  • It occurs at least three nights a week for at least three months.
  • No substances have been used that alter the sleep-wake rhythm and there are no other medical or psychological causes.

When suspecting an insomnia disorder, it is necessary to go to a specialist; Lack of sleep seriously affects the way people live, even increasing the risk of accidents and other diseases.

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