I Like To Be Told The Truth, I’ll See If It Hurts Or Not

Sincerity is essential in close human relationships. Without it, we would live in a world of lies in which the slightest flaw or mistake would bring us down. Discover some thoughts on this below.
I like to be told the truth, I'll see if it hurts or not

Nobody likes to be lied to. We are not amused by white lies or deciding for us what we should know or not. If the truth hurts, we are the ones who have to consider it.

People have a bad habit of hiding things they do, say or think because they believe that this will prevent us from harm. But no, there is actually nothing as heartbreaking as lies, the occult, and hypocrisy. It makes us feel small and vulnerable while generating mistrust and insecurity in the world.

Girl with a heart and a leaf in her hand

No feeling is invalid

Throughout our lives we suffer and cry for hundreds of situations that others generate. However, all those feelings and emotions never fall on deaf ears; on the contrary, much of our learning is mediated by damage and pain.

Likewise, suffering makes us understand ourselves, know ourselves and understand that there is no evil that lasts a hundred years or a body that can endure it. In this way we manage to manage our emotions or, in other words, get out of the tunnel.

Our life is ours, we live it as we want and not as others judge. Would we decide for someone who he has to love and in what way? No, that’s crazy. It has been tried, yes, but always without success since it is unfair to try to decide for others.

Woman surrounded by feathers

The power to say things to your face

Saying things to your face is being honest, nothing more and nothing less. People confuse this with lack of education, tact, or prudence. Since sincerity is a misleading term and everyone has their own version of the story, let’s see more about it.

Sincerity is not saying everything that comes to mind or saying it abruptly or doing it at any time. Likewise, being honest with criteria, empathy and ethics does not mean making up reality, but adapting your communication to the moment and the person.

Sincerity makes us companions, loyal, upright people. I mean, good people. As is obvious, many times the intention is not bad but quite the opposite. However, we must know that by not telling the truth we are disrespecting the “affected” person .

In fact, by lying to someone we deprive them of the opportunity to manage their pain and to assume the lesson that they have to learn. That is why this is something tremendously unfair and abusive.

Women giving each other emotional support

Sincerity hurts those who live in a world of lies

Sincerity never hurts, what hurts are the realities. But that someone is sincere is always a great gesture, regardless of what it weighs and who it weighs. However, it may happen that someone prefers to live in a fantasy world and blinded to reality. In that case, everything is respectable.

In short, the truth builds and the lie destroys. Each of us is able to assume the reality of what concerns us and, therefore, to resolve the possible damages that it may cause us.

We cannot live expecting life to be a bed of roses for ourselves or for others. Thus, whenever it is our duty, we should choose to be sincere and not deprive people of the opportunity to grow by overcoming the adversities or discomforts of their own existence.

Images courtesy of Claudia Tremblay and Christian Schloe

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