I Am The Woman Of My Life, Besides Being The Woman Of Yours

I am the woman of my life, besides being the woman of yours

We are brief passengers in an ephemeral life that deserves to rush with maximum intensity. What is the use of being slaves of the wills and whims of others? Almost without realizing it, the sheets of our days will have run out and we will never have been able to be ourselves.

It is clear that being part of someone emotionally implies a great responsibility. In one way or another many attachments develop, there is a need for closeness, affection, reciprocity. However, as long as these attachments are healthy and allow their own spaces, everything will be fine.

Now, we know that in a way, all these words are easy to say and very complicated to put into practice. Because … How can we not love someone completely, down to the last particle of our being?

It is unavoidable. Still, it is worth remembering that even loving with total intensity, we must never lose our identity, our self-esteem. Do not allow your life and the control of it to weaken like the smoke that escapes through an open window …

When we lose control of our life

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To love what we want or not, is also to need : we need to share life with that person we love, we need to have a commitment, stability, future plans and feel reciprocated.

Has this ever happened to you? Have you felt so dependent on someone to the point of losing your own schemes, your own integrity? These are without a doubt the most destructive relationships.

It is also possible that more than one person was surprised by the title of this article : “I will be the woman of my life as well as the woman of yours . We are clear that the message can and should apply to both genders, both men and women.

However, it is almost always women who tend to give everything many times for others without expecting anything in return. They, the ones who, on average, sometimes suffer more from this affective and power inequality in affective relationships.

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Let’s now see the reasons why it usually happens:

  • Find satisfaction and fulfillment by giving your all for the person you love. No one is capable of half love, but many times, more is offered than it should. Personal and work projects are postponed, the couple’s plans are prioritized … Until in the end they perceive everything they have missed.
  • On many occasions, and almost without realizing it, you can also fall into very unequal relationships. Emotional manipulation develops on the part of the couple where the woman does not know at first how to get out. Love turns into suffering and suffering breaks down self-esteem.
  • Love, almost without realizing it, often leads to dependence on the part of both members of the couple. However, it may happen that on the part of either of the two, more than love, other dimensions are sought: filling gaps, the need to feel valued, covering emotional deficiencies, avoiding loneliness in whatever way …

We must take these aspects into account.

My life, your life, two paths that intersect and respect

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Nobody comes into this world knowing everything about affective relationships. Those who have never made a mistake have not yet given themselves the opportunity to learn. And who has not been disappointed, is that he still does not know what he really needs.

– Be the woman you have always wanted to be, it is never too late to achieve it, it is never too late to reach that train you always dreamed of.

– Be the woman of your life and allow those who deserve to be part of  your personal adventure enter it : those who enrich you, those who bring you lights and not darkness, those who value you and allow you to grow as a person.

– Be the woman who allows herself to laugh every day full of illusions, and not fears. Walk your personal path safely letting it cross the one who brings you destiny …


Images Courtesy Claudia Trembay, David Renshaw

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