How To Simplify The Present With 3 Questions

How to simplify the present with 3 questions

“Enjoy the present moment” is an overused expression but one that we really apply less than we should. Living in the here and now involves reflecting on our existence, both personally and professionally, something that very few people do today.

Perhaps due to lack of time or daily stress, we put aside checking ourselves and stopping to enjoy the present moment. We forget how important it is to ask ourselves how we are and how we can enjoy life more. The answers to these questions allow us to evolve and face our personal growth more effectively.

Anthony Robbins, one of the most recognized coaches in the world, affirms “the quality of our life depends on the quality of the questions we ask ourselves”. Therefore, reflecting on what we are living, on how to simplify the present and what we want to do in the future will help us to enjoy our here and now more.

And it is that enjoying inner well-being implies simplifying our life path being aware that we are traveling the right one : one that provides us with an environment full of enriching companies, at the same time that it facilitates us to act fully and achieve what we want. To do this, put into practice the answers to these 3 questions that I will share with you below.

Bare feet symbolizing how to simplify life

What are you striving for in the present moment?

It is true that not all people strive to fulfill a purpose or simply to feel better, but rather they let time pass and unconsciously regret not moving forward. If you feel this way, identify what you are striving for each day, being clear about the goals you want to achieve.

Both aspects are important to simplify the present and enjoy it. It is not enough just to have a goal that you do not work on, nor is it enough to make an effort without being very clear about what we are doing it for. However, most people do not take into account these two variables. If you have ever asked people around you what their routine and stress are for, most likely they would answer that it was simply what they had to do.

When we ask ourselves what we strive for, we can also become aware that we tend to stress over what we do not yet have, leaving what we have achieved in oblivion. The answer to this question makes you think that you will never feel good or happy until you have everything you think you need. On the contrary, when you start to strive to achieve your goal, you will notice how your well-being increases almost immediately.

What has you tied down and what can you let go of?

Clinging to something or someone, even if it hurts us, is a habit that human beings carry out innately. Every day we find ourselves immersed in a multitude of activities and bad habits that we are not able to put aside or forget.

The power that, for example, certain toxic people have over our self-esteem, beliefs and feelings is well known to all of us. These bad companies cause us damage that, ironically, we are not able to let go.

So if you want to start simplifying the present so that you can enjoy it more, consider what you might be holding on to right now and let it go. When you do,  you will realize that many times our problems are totally avoidable.

Woman releasing birds that represent the action of forgiving

Who do you want to spend more time with?

One of the best known phrases in the world of personal development is the following: “We are the average of the five people with whom we spend the most time.” However, most of us have not consciously chosen with whom we want to share our lives. You, on the contrary,  must begin to consider who you want to surround yourself with in order  to enjoy the here and now even more.

To do this, I invite you to internally visualize the people who contribute the most to you. How can you prioritize your company? Although it can sometimes be difficult, limit the rest of the activities that you usually carry out and that do not contribute anything and you will see how it is possible. Take care of these people and agree with them weekly meetings to see each other without having excuses or barriers that prevent it.

On the other hand, assess what other colleagues in your circle can contribute to you. Remember not to get involved in time with those who do not want to spend it with you and simplify your existence by staying with those who are truly worth it. To the rest, propose to put them aside with love and thanking them for their passage through your life at all times.

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