How To Make Yourself A Better Place

How to make yourself a better place

Albert Einstein seemed like a simple man with a comfortable job in a patent office in Switzerland. However, he ended up becoming one of the most acclaimed physicists in the world. Obviously, we are not all born to be great geniuses, but we can make our lives a better place, just as he did.

Because Albert Einstein was not only a brilliant physicist. He was also an ordinary guy with a very pleasant way of seeing the world and an enviable sense of humor. At that point I would like to focus to give you ideas on how you can make yourself a better place to live.

Making you a better place to live

But before going into the matter, since I have mentioned Albert Eisntein as a starting point for this article, I would like to recall one of his famous phrases. The German physicist said quite ironically that “life is very dangerous. Not for the people who do evil, but for those who sit down to see what happens ”.

It is clear that the first idea, if we stick to Einstein’s philosophy of life, is based on taking our own existence and doing something with it. We must never wait for others to move, nor be afraid of error or be mere spectators.

Blond woman with open arms

Who knows, if Einstein had settled into his Swiss patent office, perhaps today we would not listen to the melody of the universe, because thanks to his theories scientists have just discovered the gravitational waves that one day may lead us to know other distant worlds of ours or understand our own nature and existence.

I may not be a famous scientist or a renowned musician, but that does not imply that I should settle for an unpleasant job, an uncomfortable existence, or being a guest of myself. I want to make of myself a better place to live.

Steps to make yourself a better place

Now I would like to recall a series of keys that the wise lecturer and writer Francisco Alcaide proposes to make ourselves a better place to live.

Considering the famous moment when astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped on the Moon for the first time, we could say that these statements seem like small steps for man, but they will be big leaps for you :

  • It is not good to make excuses. The problem with this type of attitude is that the first person deceived is oneself, so it is better to use such powerful tools as sincerity and truth.
  • Differences are an essential part of this world. You should not feel ashamed or regretful. Empower your nature without fear of what they will say, as it is the best way to be honest with yourself.
  • No one should ever be ashamed of being afraid. It is as natural as water or a tree. If something terrifies you, acknowledge it. It is the first step to overcome all kinds of situations that can grip you.
  • A famous sportswear brand said that “there is nothing impossible.” Difficult yes, but impossible no. Unless you want to travel to another planet or a donkey fits the trench coat of Lieutenant Colombo, since we enter the field of the most absolute imagination.
  • An important key to making yourself a better place to live is not just dedicating yourself to complying. You do what you must, period, if you go further. However, your own mind is full of mysteries and potentialities. You really don’t want to explore your limits and strengths to the fullest?
  • Not looking to blame is a really positive attitude. Sometimes we tend to look the other way without noticing what we are doing wrong ourselves. Remember that not everything is the fault of life, your neighbor, your co-workers, your partner or your boss.
  • Cela said with great humor that “it is not the same to be asleep than to be sleeping, just as it is not the same to be fucked than to be fucking.” Don’t be one of those who fuck, but don’t be one of the screwed ones either. Always look forward with optimism and strength.
Woman looking at the horizon thinking about her dreams
  • In the world you will find more or less complex jobs. Whatever your situation, never give up. That is the most difficult job in the world. Keep going, find motivation, seek new outlets and locate positive learning in all vital situations that allow you to evolve.

These are some of the important steps that Professor Alcaide proposes so that you can make yourself a better place. You will not be the first or the last person to try. Do you dare to take the leap? From here I encourage you to try with courage and tenacity.

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