How To Make Your Partner Feel Loved?

If you want your partner to feel loved, never take your love for granted. Take care of the bond on a daily basis.
How to make your partner feel loved?

Love is one of the most beautiful emotions that human beings can experience. And having a person with whom to share this feeling reciprocally is a privilege. However, sometimes we get carried away by routine and neglect a love we take for granted. If you want to know some keys to make your partner feel loved, read on.

When we meet someone and fall in love, we feel we have found the greatest fulfillment. We enjoy their company, their conversation, and their displays of affection. We value every moment by your side and we feel fortunate to be your partner.

happy hand couple

But, with the passage of time, it is common for that euphoria at the beginning to diminish. This is a natural and healthy process within relationships, falling in love gives way to a more solid and mature love. What happens, sometimes, is that one of the members gets carried away by the routine and forgets to value what the other person brings them.

Love starts with you

The first concept that we must be clear about is that a partner is not there to give us the love that we do not give ourselves. It is the responsibility of each one to take care of his person, improve his self-esteem and heal his own wounds. Burdening the partner with the responsibility of making us happy is not a good approach.

Your partner is not in charge of filling your gaps, of making you feel important. That task belongs, first of all, to you. When we have these types of expectations, the relationship can fall into an unhealthy dynamic. We can end up demanding incessantly from our partner and never be satisfied. Since the love we are trying to find is our own.

In the same way, it is not possible to love if you do not love yourself. If you don’t consider yourself worthy of love, you may sabotage your own relationship. If you are afraid of showing yourself vulnerable to the other person, you have to do inner work. True love is only possible by being at peace with yourself. It is not appropriate to use the other as a projection of our fears or our needs.

How to make your partner feel loved?

Passion, intimacy and commitment

According to Sternberg’s theory, “perfect” love is mainly made up of three elements: passion, intimacy, and commitment. If we want our partner to feel loved, we will have to take care of each of these components in our day-to-day life.

  • To take care of passion as a couple we have to find moments for it within our busy lives. Physical displays of affection on a day-to-day basis are important to maintaining the bond. The kiss before going to bed or when we get home from work. In addition, it is necessary to make an effort to keep the desire alive, trying to innovate and please our partner.
  • Intimacy is cultivated by showing interest and concern for the welfare of the other. And being emotionally available to open up to him. Share concerns and joys, listen, advise. In short, to be the safe place for our partner.
  • The commitment consists of knowing that some days your partner will be at 10% and you will have to be at 90%. And that’s fine, because other times it will be the opposite. Commitment is the choice to show the other that you will stay together despite adversity. 
Man holding woman's hands

Assertiveness and respect

The last point to keep in mind to make your partner feel loved is respect. This must prevail above all and in any circumstance. You must respect the other as a human being and as a couple. This means not attacking him verbally or physically, not using silence as punishment, not paying for your frustrations with the other.

For this, it is essential to work assertiveness. We all need to learn to communicate in a constructive, loving, and respectful way. We have to be able to listen, ask and set limits without harming the other.

Remember that our partner is our ally, never our enemy. Let us remember that having him by our side is a gift and let us feel grateful for his presence. But above all, let us never forget to take care of the bond in any of its facets. Never take the other person for granted.

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