How Does Pregnancy Affect The Couple’s Relationship?

Coping with a pregnancy as a couple can be as wonderful a challenge as it is difficult. In this article, we want to talk about how to make this process reinforce the relationship and not be the factor that triggers the end of it.
How does pregnancy affect the couple's relationship?

When determining how pregnancy affects the couple’s relationship, it must be borne in mind that individual differences are great. But, undoubtedly, the imminent arrival of a child marks a before and after in the life of each of their parents and also in their emotional union. Thus, whether the outcome of these changes is positive or negative will depend on how both of you handle the situation.

Obviously, when it comes to an unplanned pregnancy, the risk of conflicts and arguments is greater. However, even when pregnancy is desired, the couple will face challenges and obstacles that will put the strength of their relationship to the test. Knowing how pregnancy affects the relationship can help to put conflict prevention and resolution strategies in place.

How does pregnancy affect the couple’s relationship?

Pregnant woman on sofa

Emotional lability

Especially during the first months, the alteration in the hormonal levels causes that the woman undergoes great emotional changes. You may feel overly sensitive, irritable, or sad without really knowing why or how to control it.

This emotional roller coaster can affect the couple’s relationship if there is no communication, empathy and tolerance between the two. It is important that the woman is aware of what is happening inside her, so that she can rely on concrete facts rather than impressions so that she is not so affected by the actions of her partner. But, for his part, the man has to be patient, understanding and sensitive to the process that his partner is going through.

Otherwise, if there is not a good disposition of both to dialogue, the frictions can be intense and constant. The woman may feel lonely, misunderstood and emotionally neglected, while the man may feel attacked and abused for no reason.

Fears and uncertainties

On the other hand, pregnancy awakens a series of fears in both members of the couple. Fear for the health and well-being of the mother and the baby, for the correct development of the pregnancy and for the moment of delivery. An intense fear may also appear related to the new role to be assumed. Both of you may fear that you will not be able to rise to the occasion or that you will be overwhelmed by the responsibilities that follow.

In the case of women, these fears are also added to those related to their own image. And is that pregnancy generates enormous changes in physical appearance that can affect your self-esteem. Thus, it has been determined that in the first and third trimesters it is common for an increase in anxiety to occur in women; but man can also be greatly affected. If this is not shared with the partner, the relationship will inevitably suffer. 

Neglect of the partner

Finally, it is common that after receiving the news of a pregnancy, both begin to focus their attention more and more on the new being that is gestating. Thus, they go from being a man and a woman, from being a couple, to being only parents.

Conversations begin to revolve almost exclusively around the baby and intimacy in its broadest sense is neglected. For this reason, it is essential to find moments alone, organize plans and appointments aimed at enjoying the affective bond and talking about wishes and emotions beyond future parenthood.

It is also important to know that a decrease in libido is common, especially in some moments of pregnancy. Physical discomfort and the makeover can contribute to this. Therefore it is necessary to be patient and understanding each other, and go through each stage from love, acceptance and union. Everything will pass.

Pregnant woman in bed with her husband

You already know how pregnancy affects the relationship: act

Once we know how pregnancy affects the relationship, it is important that we do everything possible to prevent possible conflicts and disagreements. Thus, first of all it is essential to remember that we form a team with our sentimental partner, that we are not rivals. Therefore, communication and respect must be a priority in any situation.

Empathy, patience, tolerance and love that one day led us to forge the bond must be essential allies. In this way, pregnancy will be a unique and unforgettable experience that will help to strengthen the existing union.

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