How Do Your Personality Traits Affect Your Day To Day?

How do your personality traits affect your day to day?

We all know, or at least intuit, that our personality influences how we deal with obstacles, treat others, or celebrate the goals we achieve. However, what fewer people know is that personality is not a set of immutable or permanent traits that determine us. It is true that in our personality there is an important genetic load, but that does not mean that we cannot shape it in many ways.

Each of our personality characteristics makes us different, unique and special. Although when these same characteristics make it difficult for us to get a job, maintain a relationship or make friends, they may pose a challenge to us: to modify them so that they work in our favor.

Man looking in a mirror

Our personality influences, but does not sentence

One of the best tools we can count on to make changes in our personality is self-knowledge.  Being aware of our limitations and strengths, it will be easier for us to achieve good results in our personal and professional lives. Thus, we will work more exhaustively on those skills in which we have more difficulties and we will enhance others that can give us a lot of advantage.

I often meet people who tell me about the difficulty they find when it comes to expressing themselves to others or claiming their place in a job, for example, because “because of their way of being, it doesn’t work out for them.” This happens to all of us at some point in our lives.

However, the turning point occurs when the statement “people never change” is reached. Yes and no. We all have innate natural tendencies when it comes to managing our day-to-day life. A shy or outgoing child is likely to become a shy or outgoing adult. We call this temperament. Here is an interesting documentary by E. Punset, where he reflects on the genetic correlates of personality.

NETWORKS. The genes that regulate personality. Eduardo Punset” loading = “lazy” width = “500” height = “281” src = “https: // “frameBorder =” 0 “allow =” accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture “allowfullscreen =” “]

However,  the culture, experiences and environment in which we live will modulate this temperament. They will do so by building and rebuilding what we call character. Both make up our personality.

Therefore, the statement that “people do not change” is partially true. It touches the truth in that we are all more comfortable in some circumstances and out of place in others, it is given by our personality. However, the ability to adapt optimally to each of these situations while still being “oneself”, you can modulate that.

How to modulate your personality?

How? Not all of us are equally easy to acquire that “chameleon” ability. That is why it will be easy for some to jump into the novelty and enjoy it, meanwhile it can become a real odyssey for others. Herein lies the importance of self-knowledge, as it will tell you how to get the most out of your abilities without suffering excessively from your limitations.

A simple exercise to achieve this self-knowledge, roughly, is to answer the following questions, do you like it? Does it do you good? Now, you like it and it does you good, there is no problem. The difficulty is shown to us in those that you do not like or pose an obstacle but they do you good, since you may be missing the opportunity to approach something beneficial for you.

On the other hand, there are those activities or challenges that you do like or are easy or accessible, but that are not good for you when they become a habit. They are often referred to as “vices” and can have a silver lining when occasionally indulged. However, when that vice, for example, gives rise to a couple relationship to which we are chained despite the fact that it hurts us a lot, we have a problem.

Woman with a key on a mountain

We already have the starting point. Now, how do you get closer to the things that do you good and get away from those that hurt you? At this point you have to identify why it is difficult for you to get close to those activities, people and even objects that benefit you. Shyness? Lack of communication skills? Pride? , etc. And what prevents you from getting rid of what hurts you. Afraid? Unsafety? Conformity?

After taking some steps towards a renewed and more self-confident self, supported by self-knowledge and strengthening our self-esteem, we will be ready to take on the world. More aware of our strengths and limitations, more chameleonic, and therefore more difficult to tear down.

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