Heavy, Are You Here Again? Boredom

Heavy, are you here again?  Boredom

It is always good to start by looking for the origin of the words. Maybe you think that “boredom”, “boring” or “boring” are words that have something to do with “donkey”. But no. The thing does not go there. The word comes from two Latin roots: “ab”, which means “without”, and “horrere”, which refers to terror or horror. Literally, boring means then “to be without horror.” A little less literal, it means that there is a condition where nothing makes your hair stand on end.

It is clear then that boredom refers to a state of stillness in which there are no events that make you vibrate. An unelected stillness, of course, that is experienced with annoyance or annoyance. Otherwise it would be just rest.

It is not depression (although it can be your first cousin), because it does not necessarily involve sadness as such. Boredom does not reach the limits of pain, or anger. It is a mediocrity if news, that if it lasts a long time can become unbearable.

Teen woman with boredom

Boredom comes hand in hand with routine. When everyday life becomes basically unchanging, it becomes an automatism. Events become predictable and do not arouse any enthusiasm in you. In fact, it is not only that they produce apathy, but that they generate a deaf resistance, which does not end up becoming outright rejection.

Boring makes you lazy (asthenia, experts tell you). Getting out of bed becomes an arduous test of your will. “Another day!” you say to yourself, as you prepare as usual for your activities.

You may feel a real dislike for your job, or your study, or your chores at home. But you visualize yourself so trapped, that denying yourself would only put you in a bad mood. You do not find any possibility of giving rise to a change because, after all, that routine in which you move is the one that guarantees you the supposed balance that you seem to enjoy. You don’t want trouble.

Laziness leads to more or less harmless negligence. “Do what you have to”, not a little more (to save the little energy you have), not a little less (not to earn you difficulties for free). Nothing to surpass my own mark, nor to try other options. So that? In the end it does not matter.

Sometimes you want “something” to happen. Anything that does not rob you of the tranquility in which you insist so much, but that does inject you with the good spirit that you are needing. You feel that “it” must come from outside: there is nothing in your life that is capable of causing the miracle.

From there to sadness there is only one step. And from sadness to depression, just another. Maybe it’s not a good idea to be so “without horror.” Perhaps silent horror and in large quantities is what is behind the scenes.

Bored woman leaning on her back

The pulse of life, the one that makes you tremble and feel more attentive than ever, comes from what you think you least like: risk. Taking risks puts you squarely in front of the unpredictable: you don’t know where it will all end. You can get away well or badly, it is not known. That is why you must invest all your concentration and your resources to give the situation a direction that favors you. There is no boredom there. On the contrary, each step is new and exalts many of your emotions.

Perhaps it is an experience that you perceive as too threatening and you decide to take refuge in the routine, even having to suffer those endless doses of boredom. If you think about it, it may also be that you don’t trust what you can handle in the face of the unpredictable. Perhaps you assume that you will simply be absorbed by the paralysis of mind and body and you will end up being a victim of that lack of definition. And the cycle becomes vicious: you are afraid to take risks and not taking risks increases your fear.

You may not have had a chance to really get to know yourself. You will know if it is a good idea, for example, to propose small daily challenges in which you can observe how you react to the unknown. You may be surprised. You may be able to savor that tangy, appetizing taste of moderate adrenaline. Nothing strange that you want to try it again.


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