“Give Your Soul A Moment To Reach You”, A Beautiful African Story

"Give your soul a moment to reach you", a beautiful African story

Sometimes a story reaches us much more to the soul than other types of reflections could reach. This time we bring an old African story that talks about that way of life in which actions go one way and the heart for another, because there is no time for the meeting. Says so.

It is said that a man ventured into the inhospitable territories of Africa. Only his porters accompanied him. All of them carried a machete in their hand and made their way through the thick vegetation. His goal was to advance at any cost.

If a river appeared, they crossed it in the shortest possible time. If there was a hill, they quickened their pace so as not to waste a minute. However, the porters suddenly stopped. The expeditionary was surprised. They had only been going for a few hours. So he asked them: “Why have you stopped? Are you already tired with just a few hours on the road?

Then one of the porters looked at him and said: “ No sir, we are not tired. We have simply advanced very fast and so we have left our soul behind . Now we have to wait for it until it reaches us again ”.

A story that calls you to connect with yourself

We have all felt disconnected from ourselves at times. As if the one who got out of bed, the one who went to work, the one who spoke, was not one, but some stranger. It is a feeling that frequently appears when we have immersed ourselves in a demanding routine and we cannot find the way out of it.

feathers surrounding the sunset sun representing the African story

What it is about is to find our center again. As the story points out, to let “our soul” return to its place. Sometimes a careful reflection of the situation is enough, but other times we need more than that.

If we do not have the feeling of connection and relative control over our life, demotivation easily appears. This can turn into sadness, or anxiety. At that point, everything starts to get complicated. There is a simple method to get out of these states and it only takes a few minutes a day. We will tell you what it is about right away.

Sit for a moment by the side of the road

Just as the porters of the African story do, if you feel disconnected from your center, the right thing to do is to pause. Most likely, you have traveled the path with excessive haste. That has prevented you from seeing the landscape and, above all, connecting your soul with the path.

It is advisable to find a quiet moment, better in the last hours of the day. It is your moment of intimacy with yourself and you are worth it. Relax and simply ask yourself: How was today?  Then you just have to review the events that you experienced during the day.

Don’t just think about the actions you took, but about the thoughts and feelings that came to your mind. What was the first thing that popped into your head when you woke up? How did you feel throughout the day in front of others, situations and yourself? Spend at least five minutes doing this mental review of your day.

Decant the reflection and let your soul return

At first you may see nothing more than a succession of activities and mechanical feelings. However, little by little, as the African story indicates, your soul will catch up with you. That inventory is a basic way to get closer to you, but it is only the beginning, the guide for the first steps.

You don’t have to make a detailed list of everything you did. Just let whatever comes to your mind flow, whether it’s a bit messy or chaotic. Before you imagine, you will realize that rumors come from many experiences that you let pass without being aware. The echoes of those emotions that you ignored and those discomforts that you ignored will also appear.

daisy at sunset representing the African story

So your soul will reach you. This is how you are going to achieve, little by little, place yourself back in your balance point. The reward for this small daily effort is that you will feel more calm and confident. You will also enrich yourself more with each experience you live and you will increase the knowledge you have of yourself. The most important thing is that you will have elements to evaluate if you really are in the life you want, or if it is time to make changes.

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