Fear Of Losing My Job, What Can I Do?

In today’s uncertainty, one of the frequent concerns is the fear of losing your job. It is a fear that we must face appropriately: with perspective and considering the possibility that perhaps it is time to reinvent ourselves.
Fear of losing my job, what can I do?

Among many of the fronts that surround us in the current context, is the fear of losing one’s job. It is by no means an irrational fear and we do not sin at all to be negative or catastrophic. It is a reality, a fact that, as if it were a tsunami, it is reaching almost anywhere in the world. What can we do about this situation?

The World Labor Organization (ILO) already announced just a few months ago that the current crisis could lead to unemployment for more than 25 million people around the world.

Now, in the face of an emergency like this, we are already seeing the responses of many states. Measures are being taken to inject funds into many countries and thus be able to reactivate employment in the coming months. 

Drawing up a plan to boost the economy and stop the drain on layoffs is a good thing. However, the most decisive area remains: the individual. We are obliged to generate changes, to look into perspective taking into account an increasingly changing environment in which we are sometimes forced to reinvent ourselves.

Let’s dig a little deeper.

Man representing fear of losing job

Fear of losing my job, how can I act?

There are many people who navigate day-to-day with a constant concern: the fear of losing their job. Let’s face it, that thought is not a pleasant roommate. Because fears, worries, can acquire a considerable size and become that epicenter that engulfs and traps everything.

If the current changes with the health crisis have already produced us (and produce us) a prominent concern, now, we add work anguish, the psychological impact is evident. Therefore, we need to have some strategies to reflect on at hand. They are as follows .

Probe the needs of the present moment

As we pointed out at the beginning, the fear of losing your job in the midst of the current situation is a real fear. There will be those who already have an employment regulation file in place or those who are carrying out their work electronically, but with the eternal uncertainty of not knowing how everything will progress.

They are understandable fears but the important thing in these cases is to remember what the priorities are in the present moment.

  • Before focusing on the idea that you are going to lose your job, focus on the current reality, on what the here and now asks of you. If you are working, make an effort to keep performing, to get up every day with the same desire. If you perceive that there are problems, explore, consider other future options but keeping the present as a reference to be able to act.
  • A constantly preoccupied mind doesn’t give up and sees more problems than there are. Try to trim that mental weight.

Constructive concern versus oppositional concern

You have the right to experience fear of losing your job due to the current crisis. You have permission to worry but remember: it is better if that shadow catches you throughout the day. Take a deep breath and think constructively.

Therefore, you need to keep in mind that there are two types of concern and there is only one that can help you in these circumstances.

Constructive concern, on the other hand, brings a healthier and more strategic approach. Instead of all and nothing and naysayers, he asks himself questions:

  • How likely is it that I will be fired? Will it be a temporary or permanent dismissal?
  • In the sector in which I work, will it continue or will I still be necessary when this is over?
  • If I am a person with long experience, should I fear that I will be fired or that nobody will hire me again? Is that a real fear?
  • What did they tell me at work? How likely is it that they will no longer need me when the current crisis is over?
  • In case you lose your job, what should you do? Could it perhaps be an opportunity to improve?
Woman representing the fear of losing her job due to the pandemic

Fear of job loss: control the sources that fuel distress

An essential way to reduce your fear of losing your job is by controlling sources of stress. An example, our WhatsApp groups at work are a source of immense anxiety in these situations. Concerns, misinformation, and even information are oversized, filtering it only from the alarmist and negative side.

Let us identify which sources, situations, information and people intensify our concern. It is essential to maintain a realistic approach, but never catastrophic. It is vital to know how to care in a constructive and non-defeatist way. In situations of difficulty and uncertainty, our mind must always be our best ally. Let’s keep it in mind.

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