Do You Know Your Weaknesses?

Do you think you have a reliable perception of yourself? Knowing our weaknesses (and not just our strengths) drives us to develop as human beings.
Do you know your weaknesses?

To what extent do you think you are in contact with yourself? Do you think your opinion of yourself is reliable or biased? . We all claim to know each other well, however, when we are urged to describe ourselves in five words we usually encounter difficulties. Especially if they ask us to state our weaknesses.

It is easy to know our strengths, we use them daily in our work and our social life. In addition, people around us are more likely to tell us about our strengths than the aspects we need to work on. But knowing our weaknesses is important and necessary for our life.

Woman from behind

What are weaknesses?

It is not easy to offer a unambiguous definition of weakness. These could be defined as a habit of thought or behavior that harms the person or those around them. Within this extensive concept are collected those personal characteristics that prevent us from being efficient and performing well in an environment.

Weaknesses can refer to both excess and lack of a quality : pride and low self-esteem, impulsivity or hyper-reflection. They can also give an account of our way of thinking, feeling or acting. This means that there are internal weaknesses that only we know about and try to hide. As well as there are weak points that we are not aware of without the feedback of other people.

On the other hand, it is important to understand that weaknesses are not good or bad in absolute terms. They depend on the degree to which they are present and, above all, on the context. Humor can be a quality when used, sparingly, in a relaxed social context. On the other hand, if it is excessive it could be heavy, and it would be totally inappropriate in a dramatic situation.

But why is it so important to get closer to our weaknesses, to know them and to reconcile ourselves with them? Here are the key points that will encourage you to carry out your own introspection process.

Why do we need to know our weaknesses?

Open hand offering help


Self-esteem is the set of perceptions, judgments and feelings that we have towards ourselves. It is, in short, the degree of satisfaction that each one presents with respect to his own person. But, for this esteem to be real, it is necessary to integrate both our good and bad parts.

A self-esteem based solely on our strengths, which refuses to look at the darkest aspects, would be empty and unreal. In reality, he would be talking about a lack of self-love, of acceptance. Loving ourselves means respecting every part of our individuality, without turning our eyes to what we dislike. Rather, hugging him so that he can transcend him.

Power and responsibility

We are not aware of how important it is to have power over ourselves. Doing so means not depending on the opinions of others, not seeking affection and approval from others. It means having control over our decisions and actions, and trusting our own judgment.

Personal power is something that we should all work on every day because it immunizes us from criticism and doubts. It makes us strong and drives us to go towards our goals. But this personal power arises from deep inner knowing.

The path to empowerment does not consist of constant flattery, it requires that we plunge into the depths of our being and stare into the darkness. Paradoxically, only by being aware of our weaknesses, can we find courage and strength.

It is the responsibility of each one of us to turn within and see ourselves without filters. Accept the reality of who we are and try to improve what does not satisfy us. Once you have integrated each part of yourself, you become a more conscious and happier being. When you light up the shadows, they stop haunting you.

Personal development

People feel the desire to improve ourselves and advance in our life path. Suppressing old behaviors and developing new skills is something that concerns us all. When we improve ourselves personally our individual satisfaction rises. As does the quality of our relationships.

However, the first step to improve is to identify the areas in which we want to improve. If we don’t stop to examine our weaknesses, we won’t be able to come up with a plan to change them. Start looking at your weaknesses as the best teachers for your own growth.

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