Children Learn When They Are Confident Of Being Able To Return

Children learn when they have the security of being able to return

The magnificent Uruguayan poet Juana de Ibarbourou says with great success that “childhood is the stage in which all men are creators.” There is no doubt that adults must put into practice all the necessary tools so that children can explore the world and their world safely, because that is when children really learn.

Childhood is the time when our little ones are able to absorb all kinds of knowledge, education and values. As it is popularly said, they are “sponges”. It is therefore the right time to create a safe world for them in which they can develop freely.

The importance of early intervention

Nothing like going to science to demonstrate the importance of a theory and its implementation in a useful way. For this reason, we would like to echo a study published in the journal Science a few years ago that showed the need for early intervention.

Father with his daughter in his arms

The aforementioned study measured the effects of a social worker’s visits to different families in the most degraded neighborhoods of Jamaica during the 1980s. Since then, scientists have followed the progress of the children who until more than 20 years later, obtaining measures of its development.

The result, as you can imagine, was hopeful, because after two decades, all those little ones who benefited from the program launched by the social worker showed a higher IQ, raised their school grades and had better paid jobs, reaching salaries. up to 25% higher.

It is evident that early interventions in children are vital to create the appropriate safe environment so that children can receive the necessary training that has a beneficial impact in the short, medium and long term.

Children learn more in safe environments

If such beneficial effects were achieved with a simple program for families in degraded neighborhoods in Jamaica, what would not be achieved in safe and child-friendly protective environments?

It should be noted that social work with these children consisted of providing parents with toys and books so that they could learn to stimulate their children, teach them to read, and show them ways to erase differences and find their own path and future possibilities.

Parents reading with their children

To that formation of the parents, affection and love can be added. All this promotes in the child a world of safety in which learning becomes a constant adventure in which the child discovers his own possibilities and explores his limits.

It is evident that early care has an enormous relevance in the development of each individual. Their own cognitive and intellectual abilities and the eradication of imbalances are at stake, as they go far beyond simple genetic inheritance.

Safe environments where children learn best

There is no doubt that safe environments in which children learn more and better must be created to ensure optimal development. In this case, we are all involved in the work, because as a society, they are the future:

  • The family: the family is the closest environment for the little one and therefore the most important. In the family, the formation of the child must begin in an environment of safety and happiness where each child knows that he is protected and can learn, imagine, reinforce his self-esteem and form as a person.
  • School: children learn at school from a very young age. They start in nurseries and children’s centers and spend their entire lives receiving training until adulthood. An optimal safety environment needs to be created to enhance the child’s strengths and knowledge at school.
Teacher helping her student in class with homework
  • Supplementary education: Many children receive supplementary education through extracurricular activities, academies, camps, etc. In this case, it is also necessary to try to create the optimal environment for the early formation of the child.

It is evident that children learn more and better in safe environments. Therefore, if you want to give your little one a happy childhood and a future full of hope, do not hesitate to create a climate of tranquility in which each child can exploit their full potential from their earliest age.

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