Anxiety And Neck Pain: What Is The Relationship?

Anxiety disorders and neck pain are often directly related. If you also suffer from it, you will like to know a specific cause that we tend to neglect when we go through these limiting and painful moments.
Anxiety and neck pain: what is the relationship?

Anxiety and neck pain. This could be the title of a horror movie because the truth is that it is an exhausting and even disabling reality that occurs very frequently. Leaves of work, problems falling asleep, limitations in the most basic mobility of the day to day … The effects caused by this peculiar combination are a frequent reason to go to the doctor.

Indeed, this is where many patients begin their personal journey to find an appropriate treatment that improves their quality of life. Something they discover within a few days is that both drugs and the good hands of a physical therapist relieve, but only temporarily. After weeks it is common for this problem to reappear.

There are multiple reasons behind this symbiosis of suffering. On the one hand, we have the original root of this clinical picture and it is none other than anxiety itself. However, this physical discomfort in the neck area is mediated by a factor that is not always taken into account. We analyze it below.

Woman representing people with anxiety and neck pain

Anxiety and neck pain: causes of this relationship

Anxiety is possibly that mental condition that brings with it greater physical symptoms. In the event that this psychological state accompanies us for months, the physical and organic impact can be very striking: digestive disorders, back pain, insomnia, dizziness, tachycardia, headaches, etc.

However, the topic of anxiety and neck pain enters another realm. We say this for a very concrete fact. It is very common for many patients to start their treatment with anxiolytics without noticing changes in this physical discomfort. That is, there may come a time when you notice some improvement in your mood, but the neck pain persists or worsens.

Thus, when someone does not experience physical improvement, it is very common that at some point their psychological well-being decreases again. When you do not feel valid to work or to perform your tasks without pain, worry and negativity are very likely to rise. The cause of this phenomenon is in a very specific factor that we analyze below.

Bruxism caused by anxiety: origin of neck pain

Research papers, such as those carried out at the Wroclaw Medical University School of Dentistry, point to something interesting in this regard.

Night bruxism is especially dangerous when it is motivated by psycho-emotional factors (anxiety and depression). In this case, that grinding of teeth is more intense, persistent and has a greater impact.

  • If bruxism is not treated, not only will damage to the teeth appear. In addition, the person will suffer jaw pain, headaches and neck pain as constant discomfort in the neck area. 
  • Another important fact: drugs to treat anxiety and depression from the SSRI group, such as fluoxetine, paroxetine, fluvoxamine, sertraline or citalopram, have orofacial manifestations as a secondary effect.
  • Studies such as those carried out at the University of Queensland (Australia), warn that psychotropic drugs that treat many mood disorders increase bruxism. Therefore, neck pain increases.

People with anxiety and neck pain, what can they do?

What can people with anxiety and neck pain do? The most important thing in all cases is not to self-medicate or make decisions on our own. It is essential to have the support and supervision of various healthcare professionals.

  • First, anxiety disorders can be treated through psychological therapy. That is, dispensing with drugs whenever possible should be the first option. We avoid side effects and even more knowing that on occasion, the phenomenon of bruxism can increase, already present in this psychological condition.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most suitable for treating anxiety.
  • On the other hand, it is advisable to consult with our family doctor to rule out other health problems. Neck pain can also be caused by poor posture, worn joints, pinched nerves, injuries, or rheumatoid arthritis. In case people with anxiety and neck pain experience this problem constantly, it is always important to consult with the dentist.
  • Our dentist will assess the presence or not of bruxism. If so, the use of splints can greatly improve our quality of life. 
Woman with bruxism

Ending the root of the problem: the solution

To conclude, we can only point out one obvious fact: neck pain always appears more frequently in people who suffer from anxiety. Factors such as muscle tension and bruxism are the most common triggers.

Treating the effects (the physical discomfort) will not help us if we do not remedy the root of the problem, which is anxiety, unresolved problems and the lifestyle that turns off all well-being. Let’s avoid resorting to paracetamol or those chemicals that, although they relieve today, do not heal the pain that will persist tomorrow.

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