10 Tips To Take Care Of Yourself

10 tips to take care of yourself

 “The supreme happiness of life is knowing that you are loved for yourself or, more exactly, in spite of yourself.” Victor hugo

Days ago I was able to enjoy one of the many videos by the writer Elsa Punset in which she teaches us how to take care of ourselves  through some good exercises that I invite you to watch in the following video.

In this video, Elsa points out the importance of learning to take care of ourselves when we are also adults. Therefore, today I will love to bring you the 10 best tips to take care of yourself and learn to love you a little more every day. As you deserve.

1- Learn to express your feelings. 

When you do not express your own emotions and feelings, you create an immense inner barrier with yourself. This situation usually triggers blockages, fears and, most importantly, not enjoying our emotional freedom.

Also, sharing with the people around you what you feel will bring you closer to them and lead the communication between both of you in a more intimate way, rich in trust.


2- Avoid comparing yourself to others.

Each of us is unique and unrepeatable. Hence, constantly comparing yourself to others can only lead you to become what you are not. When we do not accept ourselves as we are, with our strengths and less positive, we are blocking our essence. That which makes you feel alive and that you love yourself.

Compare yourself in a healthy way with others to learn, gain experiences that help you and advice that allow you to improve yourself more easily.


3- Form a small group.

Form a group of people you can turn to when you need emotional support and clarification advice. In many moments of our life experience it is normal to feel blocked, without seeing the way out. A good friend who loves and respects you can always share with you the great wisdom of life. And make you see the light


4- Save time to enjoy.

We all need to reward and pamper ourselves. Loving yourself and taking care of yourself by doing the activities that you like the most will allow you to feel great. Don’t fall into the routine of always doing the same thing. Worry about enjoying your time and those you love.


5- Laugh whenever you can.

Surround yourself with people who see life realistically but also full of optimism, enthusiasm and humor . Many scientific studies confirm that your smile is a gift to yourself on a physical and emotional level. Also influencing your surroundings.

10 tips to take care of yourself



6- Relax.

When you relax you are improving the mind and helping your body to stay in shape, with a healthy internal balance. You can practice activities such as yoga, tai-chi, meditation, listening to music, reading books … Any exercise that allows you not to think excessively and feel good about yourself.


7- Learn to say “no”.

A pending task for many. Knowing how to say “no ” to unreasonable expectations, requests or demands will allow you to respect yourself much more and to be respected. Thus, you will avoid possible future unpleasant situations on an emotional level.


8- Do the work you love.

Find out if your work is good for you or if you are comfortable with your surroundings. Focus on the things about your job that you like the most and pay less attention to the things that you dislike. A recommendable thought in this plot is to remember that all jobs have unpleasant aspects.

If you are willing to change your professional position towards what you have always dreamed of, I send you all the encouragement you need. Remember: if you dream it, it is because you have everything you need to make it come true.


9- Exercise.

Countless studies confirm that the practice of exercise is very beneficial in the prevention, development and rehabilitation of health, at the same time that it helps character, discipline and decision-making in daily life. Being more active in your day to day is a good way to start.


10- Take care of your spiritual life.

Try to dedicate time in your day to day to think about the things that give you peace, beauty and serenity in life . Go ahead and follow your own spiritual path.

Do not keep anything inside you that has to do with love : do not be ashamed to express it with those you love the most. Share your thoughts with those who enjoy your confidence and breathe. Feel the silence and enjoy yourself.


Featured image courtesy of Aleshyn_Andrei

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