The Bird That Did Not Know Who It Was, A Story About Identity

This story about identity tells us that the essence of each being is present, although the vicissitudes of life take us along paths that force us to behave in a way that does not fully agree with who we really are.
The bird that did not know who it was, a story about identity

This story about identity tells us that in a remote region there was a humble goat herder who was passionate about his trade. A year of little rain came and he worried that the grass was not growing. The goats had nothing to eat.

As there was a mountain nearby, the shepherd decided to lead his flock to the summit, which was more humid. Surely there would be enough grass there for them to feed.

Very early in the morning he left with his goats and headed for the summit that he could see in the distance. Sure enough, there was enough grass there. The animals grazed all day and, on his return, the shepherd saw something that caught his attention.

There was a small eagle’s nest lying on one of the cliffs. He hated eagles, because in the past they had attacked his chickens. However, the man was curious and approached.

In the nest there were two chicks. One of them was dead. Apparently, the nest had fallen from somewhere and the little one had not withstood the blow. The other chick was injured and was barely breathing. According to this identity story, the shepherd felt compassion and decided to take the injured chick home.

Nest in a tree

The effects of care

Patiently our shepherd healed the chick’s wounds . She fed him, cared for him and managed to save him. He thought that the eagle was still too small to let go, so he kept it for some time. However, as he believed, the man began to worry. He did not want that animal to attack his chickens or goats.

The chick became an adult eagle and then the shepherd decided that it was time to let it go. The story goes about the identity that one morning he took the animal and took it to the open field so that its wings would carry it away.

To his surprise, the animal began to skip trying to follow him back home. Again the man felt sorry for her and took her with him.

He tried for several days to get the eagle to leave, but it always found a way to return to the shepherd’s house. He did not fly, but leaped.

She seemed very attached to him, so the good man gave up on his purpose. He simply took her to the chicken pen to live with them. They were scared when they saw the eagle arrive, but they soon realized that it was harmless. So they started treating her like one of their own.

A strange visitor

Time passed and the eagle behaved like any chicken. He even learned to cackle like them. She was also skittish and finicky, like any of those animals. The shepherd also began to treat her like just another chicken.

It happened then that a naturalist who was an expert in eagles passed through the place. It tells the story about the identity that the scientist happened to pass by the corral and hardly believes what he saw: an eagle living with chickens and cackling.

The naturalist sought out the shepherd and asked him to explain the details of this strange phenomenon. He told him the whole story and concluded by saying that, in his opinion, the bird was already just another hen.

The naturalist disagreed. Each animal had an essence and it was impossible for the eagle to have forgotten who it was. So he asked the pastor’s permission to test his theory. He agreed.


A story about identity

The naturalist offered meat to the eagle, but it rejected it. Now he ate small worms and corn. It seemed as if the meat disgusted him. So, the story goes about the identity, that the scientist went up a ladder with the animal and released it from there.

He expected it to fly, but to his surprise, the eagle fell to the ground like an old sack and was injured. After several days of thinking about it, he looked up at the cliffs and thought he had found an answer: it was necessary to go where it all began. At the origin was the solution.

It tells the story about identity, that the next day the naturalist took the eagle to the cliffs where the shepherd had found it. When we got there, the animal looked uncomfortable. However, the expert waited. He sensed that at any moment the animal would rediscover what it truly was.

All night passed and a new day came. Then the eagle was restless. He didn’t want the sun’s rays to hit his eyes. Seeing this, the naturalist took her by the neck and forced her to face the sun.

It was then that the eagle broke free from the scientist’s hands and shook, annoyed by the facts. Then, he spread his wings and began to fly away from the man.

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