No Matter How Much You Run, Your “true Self ” Always Catches Up With You

No matter how much you run, your "true self" always catches up with you

The thorny path of being ourselves

We spend our lives trying to “fit in.”  And when we succeed, either somewhere or with a group of people, life places us in another adaptive challenge that we must overcome.

It is important that you know that fear of the unknown and questioning yourself again are something totally normal in the face of a change, they are signs that indicate that interesting things are happening in your life.

In the face of great changes or even with the vicissitudes that we consider most common and irrelevant, our identity can feel threatened, and we perceive it that way.

fear of the unknown

Imagine the simple act of riding in the elevator with a neighbor: getting agitated or not knowing what to say can make us feel uncomfortable and immediately ask ourselves questions like  why have I reacted like this? or reproaches of the style  “I thought I was mature and look what happened to me”.

All these questions are indications that our existence matters to us, and it matters even more that our existence reveals who we really are.

If we have self-love, we want to convey the most truthful image of ourselves.

Our “true self” and our self-esteem

If our self-esteem is low, we will want to hide our devalued self, and we will enter a maze of fleeting glances, corseted postures, superficial treatment and fleeting and empty relationships.

This lack of clarity about who we are and what we want is not only reflected in how complicated any relationship with the environment can become in our mind, but we also  continually question ourselves about the decisions made.

But you must realize one thing: unless due to circumstances beyond your control you have been involved in a situation that you did not want …  Everything you have decided in this life, you have decided. As minor and sadder as the options seemed to us, you chose one or the other.

Stop running away to give in to our “true self”

There comes a time when  we must stop questioning ourselves with that punishing air. It is time to reaffirm yourself, but being free of questions about our existence.

Two very different ways of growing, but in one we will know how to avoid useless suffering due to the sacrifice that is worth it … To be able to live according to what we value.

To be yourself is to be brave

Being yourself does not mean shaping the world to your liking. Being yourself means flowing with it, contributing your essence, and making that trip reward you with what you fight for every day… and at the same time reward life with your unmistakable trail.

Being yourself brings the courage to be who you really are, with all that it entails. Free of copying and plagiarism without talent.

When I am myself …

  • I am not what happens to me. I am the truth that houses everything that happens to me. .. Like the glass container that can contain water, earth or seeds, but it always remains the same container.
  • The people who pass through my life give me clear lessons: they are the reflection in which my interior is projected. Those that make me uncomfortable and make me feel bad, those that are indifferent to me and those that leave a mark on me…. All of them denote a part of me that I cannot see about myself, sometimes.
  • No matter how hard I try, my essence is in everything I do. Sometimes because I resist, and sometimes because I give in to my truth.
  • My doubts are not my enemy. They are the signs that guide me to dare to explore new things, to challenge myself without demanding myself, to know myself without limiting myself.

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