Learn To Say Thank You

Learn to say thank you

It is a pleasure to coincide with you through these words because, without a doubt, they are one more little food of the person that I am, as is each of the things that I have lived. Yes, well, even my worst moments I feel that I have a duty to say thank you.

And no, it is not a duty of external obligation, it is a duty to myself: my emotional well-being goes through the filter of constant gratitude to what I had and what I was, to what I have and what I am.

Cervantes said, although with other words, that it was a good born to be grateful. I think it goes further: by the time our life ends, one of the feelings that we will have most wanted to have will be to say thank you.

Lonely woman with open arms

Saying thank you helps us on our way

And it is that gratitude, if it is understood as the ability to recognize a benefit that has been had, is an internal state that spreads outwards. A state that is manifested in words of gratitude that come out of our mouth in an honest way.

From the moment we come into the world until we leave it, we are the product of a constant flow of experiences that provoke emotions of a very different nature. That is why the most necessary duty is to say thank you.

What has made me happy comforts me and enhances my new illusions and dreams. What has saddened me and caused me pain, has taught me. For this reason, but I also thank those who sought to flee because thanks to them I am who I am and I know it.

Our relationships with others are based, among others, on this feeling: when a person does something for us, even reaching out at a bad time, we get closer to them. It is known that from sadness the greatest complicities arise and that from breaks we feel scars, stories, a real story that is ours.

Thanking increases our emotional well-being

Be grateful is equivalent to a positive vital attitude, it is synonymous with seeing the glass half full, waking up with the right foot or opening the lungs to breathe. Some studies, in fact, have shown that giving thanks improves our health and helps stabilize our emotional well-being.

The one in charge of maintaining the balance of our emotions is a chemical substance called serotonin, which is found in our body. We also know it as the “happiness hormone.”

In order not to fall into a depression, for example, serotonin maintains its stable levels and, for this, one of the tools is gratitude. Thanks to a smile or, simply, to say thank you within us, many things can change.

Heart-shaped alarm clock


It would be very beneficial if this post were to achieve that at the end of your day and at the beginning of the next, you could practice this diet. A simple diet, with easy ingredients and that you can start putting into action right away. Well, it does not require efforts or sacrifices, but it provides the necessary nutrients to be better at all times.

Our affective relationships with those around us will be fortified with this energy that produces reciprocal gratitude, for those who are with us and for our self, in the different phases of life. The little things, the simplest are the most important and the most necessary to be thankful for.

Bad times offer us great changes, learning mistakes, disastrous relationships, new relationships … but days, days offer us opportunities. One after another, without qualms.


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