7 Famous Phrases Of Pythagoras

Pythagoras was the founder of a whole tradition whose echo has reached our days. Beyond his legs and hypotenuse, the depth of his thinking deserves a review.
7 famous phrases of Pythagoras

Pythagoras was a philosopher and mathematician who revolutionized the world of ideas. Although his name is closely associated with his famous theorem and in philosophy it is studied given the influence he had on later philosophers, such as Plato, he can be considered the first in some debates that have later been important. We will discover some of them through the famous phrases of Pythagoras.

Our character of today founded the Pythagorean school, famous for its teachings in science and arts. His students were people whose life was spent around numbers, coinciding with the teacher’s thought: “everything is mathematics. However, Pythagoras thought and reflected a lot, something that has been evident in the sentences that we are going to discover below. Each of them holds a valuable teaching.

1. In search of the right measure

The first of Pythagoras’ famous phrases allows us to reflect on how important it is to maintain moderate and prudent positions in many debates . Excessive ambition can turn us into people who do not know how to enjoy the little things, being the seed of continuous dissatisfaction.

In the event that we are stingy, this will prevent us from using our money wisely, for our leisure, for example. In the end, dissatisfaction is what predominates in both one option and another. At the midpoint is equilibrium.

Woman thinking seriously

2. Educating in love is fundamental

The second of the famous phrases of Pythagoras deals with an essential theme, education with love. An education full of smiles, happy moments and in which the little ones can be children. However, there are situations that can make tears common for young people.

This may make the relationship with the parents so shattered tomorrow that nothing remains but indifference. We are always in time to remedy it. We must take care of children and young people.

3. Listening is the beginning of wisdom

Do we know how to listen to others? Is there a balance in us between speaking and listening? Although this may seem easy to answer, in reality, we tend to talk more than listen. This is a serious error.

Pythagoras was aware of everything one can learn to listen to. There is no rush to respond, to refute an opinion with which we do not agree. Let’s listen first… to respond wisely later. This is the key.

4. The importance of educating children

Educating children is not an easy task. Furthermore, it becomes especially complex when there are so many obligations and responsibilities competing for our attention. On the other hand, educating is always an active task; To do this we have to make plans, make decisions and get involved. Not only is it worth being, you also have to do.

Pythagoras said that education was the pillar on which each generation relies to establish and follow civic customs. The best preventive action against violence and the best bet for coexistence in society.

5. Help your peers without feeling obliged

Another of the famous phrases of Pythagoras that is very revealing. Sometimes we want to help others, either because they have problems with their partner or because they are sad.

Being there for these people and supporting them is something that helps them a lot. However, if we do this it is because we want to and it comes from the deepest part of ourselves. We are not required to carry the weight that others bear. More than anything because we do not solve anything by doing it, we just add one more burden.

6. Sometimes it’s better to be quiet

One of the famous phrases of previous Pythagoras already allowed us to reflect on the difference that makes a good listening skill. Well, this was an important issue for this philosopher, since he insists again with this other phrase that has left us with the importance of keeping our mouths closed.

Talking just for the sake of talking, without knowing what to say, can have the consequence of saying something absurd or nonsensical. Therefore, let’s learn to listen.

Couple having a serious conversation

7. The true misfortune is to commit injustices

We cannot finish this compilation of the famous phrases of Pythagoras without the latter that refers to injustices. We have all been victims of some injustice and it is a situation that generates a lot of frustration and discomfort. However, Pythagoras encourages us by telling us that the real misfortune is to commit injustices not to be the focus of them. Therefore, let’s learn to manage these situations because it is not in our hands to prevent or avoid them. Yes it is not committing them.

What do you think of these phrases that Pythagoras has given us? Each of them contains a very valuable lesson, but we can stay with some key aspects. Educating is fundamental for society, knowing how to listen is more important than talking for the sake of talking, making an effort to seek or restore balance is worthwhile and helping our fellow men in an objective that always has a reward -the sincere interest in the welfare of the other- . What phrase do you stay with?

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