60 Tips From 60-year-old Women To 30-year-old Girls

60 tips from 60-year-old women to 30-year-old girls


One fine day Margaret Manning decided to quit her job and create Syxty and me, a community for women over 60.

His proposal opened the minds of numerous women, making them question the purpose and meaning of their lives. Specifically, he saw that doubts arose on a regular basis in women in their 30s.

So Margaret invited each member of her growing community to share a tip for women half her age. With their honest and profound advice, they reflected what they would have wanted to know three decades ago, when they began to take flight.

Here are his sixty wise tips:

1- Remember that you only have one life ; This is not a dress rehearsal.

2-  Try to be positive and look for the good side of each life experience.

3-  Think about the here and now.

4- Live every day of your life fully because you do not know what awaits you around the corner.

5- Remember that life can change in an instant.

6- Love all the stages of your life and do not be afraid to go through any, because each and every one of them is magical.

7- Learn to live in the moment. If you can do it when you are young, it will help you when you are 60.

8- Life is too short to be worrying about something that will happen in the future. Live today.

9- Get out and enjoy nature!

10- Look for a hobby or a job that makes you experience the different sensations of each phase of your life.

11- Be yourself. Get old with dignity.

12- Focus on aging positively, not on avoiding aging.

13- Accept the changes in your body and your mind as you mature.

14- Be honest with yourself always. It is a slow learning process, but it is worth it.

15- Save your memories, but don’t be too hard on yourself.

16- Virginia Wolf was right; a woman needs a room to herself and $500.

17- Forget about the stereotypes that society has about aging.

18- Don’t worry about getting old. Worry about boredom.

19- Age is just a number, it  does not define who you are.

20- Time will pass whether you like it or not, so start living it!

21- Don’t stop inspiring yourself.

22- Live in a simple way and save. Exercise, cultivate, read and travel.

23- Buy classic clothes, it will always be in fashion.

24- Don’t waste money on shoes ; men don’t notice your feet.

25- Do not fill your life with useless things or people!



26- Be yourself; shines with its own light. Show yourself present, true, conscious and alive in every moment.

27- Do not be obsessed with wrinkles. When they start to appear on your face, think that they are the map of your life.

28- Live with passion and love, with your eyes and heart open. Just be happy.

29- Live in the present; don’t worry about getting old. The best is yet to come.

30- Values ​​the small pleasures of life; do not complicate things more.

31- Love and respect your partner and your children in the same way that you want them to love you and respect you.

32- Give your love freely and unconditionally.

33- Have children when you want to have them: there is no key and specific moment for it.

34- Show empathy with yourself and with those around you.

35- Take many photos, you will be glad to have them when your loved ones are no longer there.

36- Learn to forgive from youth.

37- Forget your anger, and let gratitude and joy be your law of life.

38- Have an intimate circle of friends. It’s fundamental!

39- Value your family. They will be with you when the others leave. They will support you throughout the journey of your life.

40- Never go to sleep angry with yourself or with another person.

41- Tell your partner, your friends and your family that you love them every day.

42- At 30 you become a woman. Appreciate your beauty.

43- Don’t waste time worrying about things that you can’t change; change the things you can.

44- Get out of a bad relationship as soon as possible, you cannot change the other person.

45- Take care of your skin!  And smile often.

46- Trust your instincts and never speak ill of yourself.

47- Be kind to yourself. Do not consider what is not in your control. If there is something that makes you feel bad, remove it from your life.

48- Learn to laugh at yourself. Don’t be so serious!

49- Give yourself some time for yourself every day; laugh and smile every moment.

50- Simply, be yourself. Don’t crave perfection.

51- If you have children, love them, but don’t try to be a perfect mother.

52- Let your child be your teacher.

53- Be a warrior; learn to have your own resources and to be self-sufficient.

54- Do not be guided by fear.

55- Do not stop learning and strengthen your mind, your physique and your spirit.

56- Be grateful every day, even when it’s a bad day. There is always a lesson to be learned.

57- Accept the positive aspects of aging, such as having less responsibility and more freedom.

58- Many battles are simplified with age.

59- Don’t let anyone tell you that you are too old to do something! Or too young.

60- Do not be afraid. When you get old, you will feel good. Life and nature prepare you for every phase of your life.

Original Source: Huffington Post // Author: Margaret Manning


Images courtesy of Ruslan Guzov and natalia_maroz

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