5 Natural Remedies That Help Us Against Depression

5 natural remedies that help us against depression

The idea has spread  that the only way to treat depression is by taking pills. Currently we find traditional and alternative medicines that promise to automatically change the mood, generating well-being.

That is not so true. While some medications reduce symptoms, they don’t actually eradicate the problem. In some cases they are a necessary help in the short term. However, there are studies in which  its long-term efficacy is questioned. There are suspicions that after five years they end up making the depression that they previously held at bay chronic.

Not to mention that these types of drugs have  negative side effects, sometimes very harmful. Although medication is sometimes necessary, the approach should be to discontinue the pills as soon as possible. At the same time, it is possible to go to natural remedies to improve our mood. These are five of them.

1. Proper nutrition

Through food we  incorporate into our body a series of substances that improve or attack our mood. A person in a state of depression needs a diet rich in some vitamins and minerals. Thus, it is very beneficial to have a diet rich in the following elements:

watermelon juice for depression
  • Vitamins  C and D. They are in citrus fruits, broccoli, melon, green peppers, fish, eggs and milk, among others.
  • Iron and Zinc. They are in red meat, fish, crustaceans, egg yolks, chocolate, peanuts, pumpkin and butter, among others.
  • Folic acid. It is in vegetables, citrus fruits, legumes, cereals and milk.
  • Omega 3. In general, it is found in all seafood.
  • Selenium. In lentils, peas, peanuts, peanut butter and walnuts, among others.

The positive consequences of following a healthy diet are  not usually appreciated the next day; however, with a little patience, we will soon notice them. On the other hand, these elements in themselves do not cure depression, but they do contribute to generating a feeling of greater vitality.

2. The exercise is very favorable

There are a large number of studies that prove  that exercise has a decisive effect on mood. In fact, there are those who claim that the effect of exercise becomes as powerful as that of anti-depression medications.

Exercise increases dopamine and serotonin levels. This results in a feeling of well-being, in addition to greater calm, confidence and good will. It is not necessary to dedicate ourselves body and soul to it, as professionals do. The most important thing is to do physical exercise regularly, so that our body acquires the routine and can enjoy all its benefits.

3. An herb against depression

St. John’s wort, also known as “St. John’s Wort” or “wort,” has proven to be an excellent aid. The best thing is that it does not have the side effects of drugs. On the other hand, its positive effects in treating depression have been endorsed by different doctors in Germany.

St. John's wort for depression

Its preparation is simple: it is about making a tea with the dried leaves of this plant. The preparation with the leaves can be found in pharmacies or herbalists. The usual dose for depression is half a cup, twice a day. A professional should be consulted if other medications are being consumed at the same time, since the interaction could have different associated risks.

4. Sunlight and nature

Sunlight has a great influence on health and mood. First of all, thanks to the Sun, vitamin D can be fixed in the body. Likewise, it has been shown that darkness increases the production of melatonin, which produces a feeling of exhaustion and a lower cognitive performance.

It is also proven that the lack of sunlight inhibits the production of serotonin, a substance that directly affects mood. Thus, a high production of melatonin and a low secretion of serotonin supposes a lowering of defenses for our mood, and therefore a danger for depression. In this way, sunlight is a free “natural antidepressant” that we would do well to take advantage of.

5. The massages

Massage is a millenary technique that is very present in the medical practices of the Orientals, above even pharmacological treatment. In principle, a massage generates muscle relief and leads to a state of relaxation. This helps to improve mood and regain vitality, which is why it is also used as a complementary method to treat depression.

woman receiving massage for depression

All of these natural methods to combat depression have been shown to be effective. Their strongest point is that they not only reduce symptoms, but also improve the quality of life and protect our health. The best of all is that they do not have negative side effects and if we maintain them, their benefits are enhanced over time.

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