5 Instincts You Shouldn’t Ignore

Being rational beings should not deprive us of using valuable resources such as intuition or instinct. We show you why listen and attend to your feelings to be happier.
5 instincts you shouldn't ignore

Human beings are rational animals, capable of using logic and thought rather than being guided by impulse. This has allowed us to advance and evolve in different aspects, both individually and socially. However, we often make the mistake of being overly mental and forget that we have other valuable resources to function on a day-to-day basis. Therefore, we want to remind you of some instincts that you should not ignore.

Instincts go far beyond drinking when thirsty or fighting when in danger. In reality, they are all those inner impulses that provoke an emotion and an action without the need for reason. Thus, they are natural reactions that favor survival and well-being.

Over time, and with the socialization we receive, we learn to ignore and dismiss many of them. Sometimes we think that being guided by intuition or sensations makes us weak or unintelligent. However, and on the contrary, if we can make use of these resources, our lives can improve remarkably.

Some Important Instincts You Shouldn’t Ignore

The following instincts that you should not ignore can come to you as sensations, impulses or intuitions. We all experience them at different times, although you may have gotten used to not hearing them. Therefore, we encourage you to pay attention to them from now on.

Woman with eyes closed

Excitement at an opportunity

Life is a constant decision-making and resorting solely and exclusively to reason is not always the best way to approach them.

Sometimes we are presented with opportunities that excite us, wake us up, and motivate us; we feel excitement, excitement, and energy until excess reasoning paralyzes us. So we start to think about the cons, to imagine all kinds of negative scenarios and unpleasant results, and we dismiss that initial impulse.

If an opportunity, path, or idea presents itself to you that feels aligned with your purpose, your values, or your desires, listen to that instinct. It can range from moving to another country to starting a business; In any case, even if it is a new or revolutionary option and even if it is fraught with uncertainty due to going beyond the more conventional parameters or from what you had planned for yourself, it may be the change you have been waiting for so long.

Feeling of discomfort and danger

Have you ever felt in danger in a certain place or with certain people, even if you can’t explain it rationally?

Maybe being with your partner makes you anxious, maybe that new job forces you to be constantly alert or you feel that going out with your group of friends drains your energy. How to act if there is no logical or clearly visible reason that leads you to experience these sensations?

Although you cannot identify the origin of your emotions, these are your best guide ; therefore, act accordingly. If something feels wrong, it is probably because it is wrong. Learn to listen to yourself and take action.

Body signals

Some of the most important instincts that you should not ignore are those related to your physical and mental health. It would seem obvious to think that we are all capable of identifying when we are hungry and when we are satiated, if we need more sleep or if it is necessary to slow down the work rate, but this does not always happen.

We have become accustomed to living like automatons, governed by routine and not by the signals that our body sends us. Thus, we cannot identify if a type of food makes us feel bad, if an inadequate posture is to blame for our back pain or if stress is beginning to affect us.

Fortunately, to learn to identify these signs we can help ourselves with mindfulness. Being present at all times will allow us to perceive what we feel and need.

Need for communication

People are not always as clear and assertive as we should and we can hide our emotions with great mastery.

Thus, many times our loved ones go through painful periods without asking us for help, or they feel anger or disgust towards us without expressing it. This makes relationships tense and confusing, since dialogue is the only way to achieve empathy and reach an agreement.

Paradoxically, intuition warns us in many of these situations that a conversation is necessary. Maybe you don’t have evidence to clearly state that the other is wrong or has started to behave differently. That person may even deny feeling anything extraordinary if you ask.

If your instinct alerts you that something is happening, try to get closer and start that conversation. Finally the other will open and you will see how necessary the communication was.

Girlfriends talking about their problems

Right and wrong

Finally, if you are determined to start living with your instincts and intuitions as allies, it is important that you learn to detect what feels right and wrong. We are not referring to the moral plane or what is socially desirable, but to what feels right for you.

Going back with an ex-partner, changing jobs, choosing a career, getting divorced… All these vital decisions raise doubts and are often made based on fear or social impositions. However, the most suitable choice for you will always come from within, by asking that inner voice that communicates through sensations.

Some people are naturally more connected than others with their instincts. However, if you are very mental it may be difficult at first to approach these sensations and take them into consideration.

However, reconnecting with this part of you will help you improve your health, well-being, and inner peace. When we act against our own needs, even if unconsciously, the burden accumulates and becomes heavier. Give yourself the opportunity to set yourself free.

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